The kid has good taste. Last year, when I gave our master bedroom a refresh, the Circus fell in love with our new bedding. She absolutely loved how soft and cozy it was. Anytime she could, she curled up in our bed to watch T.V. Needless to say, when we started chatting about her room…
National Sleep Day Bedroom Refresh Blog Hop
Did you know today is National Sleep Day? I didn’t know there was such a thing until my friend Camila said, “Hey, wanna do a sleep day blog hop?” Yes, girl! And so here we are. Fourteen of us are sharing our bedrooms all refreshed for spring and ready for national sleep day – in hopes we’ll actually get some extra sleep today.
DIY Master Closet Makeover
It’s been a very busy two weeks, y’all! When I was trying to decide what space to do for the Choose Your Own Adventure Room Refresh hosted by Jeweled Interiors, one of the reasons I opted to go with my closet (besides the fact that it desperately needed a makeover) was because I thought it…
Seeing Red. The Circus’ Farmhouse Bedroom Plans
I didn’t want to be that mom. That mom who never let her kid have the kind of room they wanted. That mom who didn’t give her kid any creative freedom when it came to decorating their room. I really really didn’t want to be that mom. This is where not being that mom got…
How to Create an Object and Text Feature Wall
Man, this wall has been nearly a year in the making. When I found out we were moving and started plotting out the Circus’ room, I knew this wall was a must. I really wanted a way to convey the Circus’ unique personality and I think this object and text feature wall was the perfect…
Our DIY Hollywood Regency Headboard and New Mattress
So you’re ready to make your own headboard? Not just any old headboard, but one with serious style – like a Hollywood Regency headboard? You’re in the right place! This black velvet headboard will make you swoon and it’s totally DIYable.
The Well Traveled Master Bedroom Makeover Reveal
Not even gonna lie, this room design took me out of my comfort zone more than any other. As I’ve said before, I was stressed during most of the whole process about the pink walls not working out as well as they were in my head. But on top of that, I also doubted my headboard project,…
Masculine Bedroom + Office Makeover Full Source List
I realize it’s been well over a month since I first showed you the masculine guest bedroom and office makeover – A.K.A. Bill’s room.
Essentially, Christmas threw up everywhere and this post kept getting pushed to the back burner.
This room is by far one of my favorites and really, I just pulled it together, Bill came up with the plan and he knocked it outta the park. We used a mix of new items with ones we already had, we DIYed a thing or two and of course, we mixed in a few yard sale and thrift store finds. Here’s the full source list for everything in the space – if something is no longer being made, I tried to find a similar version for ya.
Click the link below to read more…
How to Add Feet to a Box Spring and Get Rid of the Footboard
When we set out to makeover Bill’s Room / The Guest Room / My Office, we really needed to relocate my desk so it wasn’t a focus in the room. Our best option was to move the desk to the small wall opposite the bed. However, it was relatively tight there. We needed to get that footboard out of the way to open up the space. In order to do that, we needed to figure out how to add feet to the box spring so we could eliminate the bed rails, and thus the footboard.
We figured out how to do it – and y’all I’m so mad I didn’t do it sooner because it was so easy and made a huge difference in the space.
Click the link below to read more…
Masculine Bedroom and Office Makeover
How many uses can you find for one average sized bedroom?
Well around here, we can find three.
Apparently, we like a challenge.
I thought that as kids got older, they liked to spend more time with their friends – away from the adults in their lives.
Apparently, I was wrong.
Or either Bill is the exception.
It seems the older he gets, the more he’s here.
I’m not complaining – I’ll take all the quality time I can get; he’s off to college next year.
In the meantime though, the room he was inhabiting was not very “Bill.”
While Elvis loved his jungle room, apparently Bill was not fond of a similar theme with the leopard print wall in his room.
I was also invading part of his space with my office area.
So I told him he could decide what he wanted to do with the room.
I know – I couldn’t believe I uttered those words myself.
Click the link below to read the rest…
King Headboards for $300 or Less
I am not a snuggler.
I can be a snuggler for about five minutes and then you need to get off of me.
Grunt Labor isn’t a snuggler either. This is good.
However, he does roll over in his sleep quite a bit and while doing so, his face sometimes becomes thisclose to mine and he breathes right on me.
And I hate that.
I do love him though, don’t get me wrong. He knows I can’t stand him breathing on me. Some nights I give him an elbow or kick to get him to roll back over. If I’m feeling nice and don’t, then I usually don’t sleep great or it takes me forever to get to sleep and then he feels terrible the next morning when he finds out I didn’t sleep because he was breathing on me.
We need a king sized bed.
The best sleep we get is when we stay in hotels with king sized beds. I love him, but I need him to be on his side of the bed. In his defense, he says there are some nights I get right up on him, although I don’t remember this, so I cannot attest to its validity. Maybe he needs me to be on my side of the bed as well though.
So we’re on the hunt for a king size headboard and/or bed that won’t cost a year’s worth of preschool.
Here’s what I’ve found so far…
Click the link below to read more…
9 Simple and Easy Bed Makeovers and Hacks
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve ran across DIY headboards on Pinterest.
I’m confident DIY headboards could run Pinterest all by themselves.
Now, I’m not bashing on DIY headboards at all.
If you have patience and an insane amount of upholstery and tufting skills, then by all means make your own headboard.
However, I don’t.
I’m in favor of using what I’ve got.
This could also mean that I’m cheap. That’s cool too. I’ll own it.
I can paint a headboard faster than I can build one and cheaper too.
No, it might not look as chic as a velvet upholstered one would, but if it looks like any of these bed makeovers, I wouldn’t turn my nose up at it.
13 Stunning Home Ideas I Found in One Place
Last Wednesday they let me into the Nashville Symphony Show House.
I’m quite certain the powers that be must have never read my blog before to know that this gal is borderline redneck and hadn’t set foot in such a fancy house before – otherwise they may have thought twice before sending my invitation.
I walked out of that house scolding myself for using inappropriate language in front of people who never met me before, but brimming over with DIY and decorating ideas.
I quickly got over the inappropriate language scolding. I feel overall they became better people for having met me.
The ideas though – my head is still spinning. Here’s 14 stunning home ideas that I took away from the Nashville Symphony Show House – and really, there were waaaay more than 14, but I felt I should cut it off somewhere instead of keeping you stuck here reading all day.
Summer Home Tour: The Details Make The Space
It doesn’t matter how many times I paint a piece of furniture or upholster a chair – if the accessories around it don’t look good, the furniture or chair won’t shine and the space will fall short.
The details make the space.
It took me a really long time to realize that.
And a lot of backaches and wasted paint.
I get it now though – and even if we are just talking about decorating – the pain was worth the reward.
As dramatic as that sounds.
So this summer home tour is about the details.
The quirky little objects that I love.
That some may find ugly.
Or even tacky.
But for me, they make my space a reflection of my family.
And that’s all that matters.
So if you love it or hate it, either way, I don’t care.
Because we love it.
And its how we fly our freak flag.
Welcome to our freak show.
Spring Home Tour: Design Ideas for Small Budgets
You guys.
You guys.
No really, you guys.
So much has changed since the last time I did a full home tour.
Especially my living room. And my kitchen.
I’m almost pee-my-pants excited to show you.
And now that I think about the things that have changed in the past two months, I realize I have no clue how it all got done and that I must be insane.
Oh wait, we already knew that.
Even though, I know you’ve already seen the entryway, let’s start there since its still new-ish.
5 Easy Steps to Decorating a Bedroom
Let’s talk about the boudoir today, shall we?
What are your thoughts on decorating it? Easy? Hard? Somewhere in the middle?
Our first bedroom makeover was definitely harder for me. Or I should say, it just didn’t come together as easily as other makeovers have. That could probably be why I changed it a little more than a year later.
Since then, I’ve figured out how to decorate a bedroom in five easy steps.
Of course, this the “Jenna” way of decorating a bedroom – most definitely not the official way – but I fly my own freak flag.
Proceed with caution.
14 Real Life Bedroom Ideas Anyone Can Do
Ok, ya know how sometimes when you are reading a magazine or browsing on Pinterest, and you see those perfectly gorgeous bedrooms? There is high end wall art, beautiful mirrors, comfy bedding, and perfect antique furniture.
And you know that the bedding alone probably cost $1000?
If you have $1000 to spend on bedding or on a mirror or wall art, by all means, go for it.
I don’t.
Hell, I can’t remember when the last time was that I had $1000 to spend on a whole room.
Oh, wait, yea, I haven’t ever had that.
So, for the rest of us that want beautiful bedrooms without breaking the bank, here are 14 real life bedroom ideas that anyone can do.
Master Bedroom Mini-Makeover
So, remember a few weeks back when I created this whole master bedroom inspiration board?
Remember how we were looking at building on a new master suite?
Exactly one day after that post published, we met with a contractor. We walked him around the house, showed him what we wanted to do, and then he gave us a heartfelt smile and said, “It won’t work. I’ve never seen a house more stuck than yours.”
Yes. I kid you not.
Now, we really don’t need a new master suite. We really don’t need anymore space at all, though it would be nice. And honestly, we could live in less than we have and we are are truly blessed to have what we do have.
And that was a lot of “haves” in the last sentence.
But, I figured if I’m not going to get a new master suite, I’m at least going to give the current one a mini-makeover. And what better time to show you that master bedroom makeover and share with you my master bedroom ideas than on the last round of What’s Your Style.
Duck Tape Trim Curtains
After a little hiatus, the Trash to Treasure gals are back!
I hope you are ready for some great projects and inspiration! Today, I’m very excited to show you how I salvaged the curtains in my guest room / office instead of having to buy new ones.
Sequined Coat Hangers
**Don’t forget to enter the FrogTape giveaway here and the Country Chic Paint giveaway here!**
Last week when I showed you the faux wall moldings, many of you mentioned the sequined coat hangers.
Who knew a coat hanger could be so fabulous?
When I was trying to figure out how I could make frugal wall decor for the guest bedroom, I knew I wanted to have lots of inspiring and fun life quotes. I also wanted them to be fabulously displayed. And what better to display them with than sequined coat hangers.
Faux Wall Moldings
Today, you get to see another little piece of the guest bedroom and office.
I’m still not quite done with the rest of the room as I told you on Tuesday, but I’m hoping I get to show you a full reveal next week.
When I began plotting out this room makeover, I found some great inspiration photos on Pinterest. If you follow me there, you may have noticed I pinned a lot of black and white rooms that had some great black wall moldings.
Here’s the problem with wall moldings –
they can be expensive.
My solution?
Faux wall moldings made with FrogTape* and glossy black paint.
Navy and Gold Chest Makeovers
Have I chatted with you about the guest bedroom before? Why am I asking? I know the answer to this. Its no. And why have you never heard of this guest bedroom before or seen photos of it? Because its ugly. Let’s be honest. What room is usually last on the list when it comes…
Master Bedroom Makeover (Neutral, Yet Beautiful)
This was the room that got put off for a very long time. When we purchased the foreclosure, the last thing on our minds was the bedroom. I am thrilled to announce that our Master Bedroom Makeover is finally complete. This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy….
Rub ‘n Buff Hardware Makeover
This was my first adventure with Rub ‘n Buff. A Rub ‘n Buff hardware makeover. This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy. It won’t be my last! If you haven’t heard of Rub ‘N Buff, it is this little tube of amazingness that is like a paint…