Not even gonna lie, this room design took me out of my comfort zone more than any other. As I’ve said before, I was stressed during most of the whole process about the pink walls not working out as well as they were in my head. But on top of that, I also doubted my headboard project, the window treatments and multiple other things. On multiple occasions, Grunt Labor had to bring me back from the dark side with “It’s just paint, Jenna,” or “We can easily switch the curtains if we need to.” In all honesty, I think he had more faith in this design than I did and that is just baffling considering a huge part of it included pink. Go figure.
Today is the day though for you to be the judge.
This post is sponsored by FrogTape, however all opinions are 100% mine. Affiliate links may be contained in this post.
Right after I applied the final coats of paint, I removed the FrogTape®…
Don’t wait for your paint to dry – remove the tape while it’s still wet! I had painted three walls pink and all the trim was black. After I removed the tape from the trim, I was feeling pretty confident about the pink and black color scheme.
I moved on to the accent wall which would be pink and black as well, but of course with lots more pattern.
I removed the tape.
I was feeling pretty confident about the pink and black color scheme here too since it looked so good on the other walls. But….after I got all the tape off the feature wall, I wasn’t loving the pink and black together there.
While the black trim and plain pink walls worked well on the other two walls, it just seemed too much on the feature wall. So as I like to say – I had to back up and punt. I opted to change the pink on the feature wall to white. Instead of mapping out my entire design again, I just used FrogTape® Delicate Surface and taped off around the black parts of the wall and painted the white in-between. And after two coats of white paint and removing more tape…
I made quite the home run if I do say so myself….
Since I had nixed the pink on this wall, I knew I needed to pull some of it back over to connect the whole room, so I did that with the pink lamp – which was a $5 Goodwill find I’ve had for about six months waiting for it’s perfect spot.
Mirror (similar) / Banana Leaves Print / Lamp (similar)
There’s a lot of musical furniture going on at the new house. I had purchased this dresser for the Circus’ room before I knew we were moving. As it turns out, it works better in our new master bedroom than hers, so she got our old dresser and we got this one. I think it has that great “Well Traveled” vibe we were going for in here. The mirror in our old dining room is making it’s new home in our bedroom as well and I jacked the banana leaves print from our old gallery wall.
My dad gave me the big green bottle thing quite a while back as well. It was a great aunt’s and he didn’t want it anymore, but as we all know, I am the taker of all family junk no one else wants, so it came to me and finally found a new perfect home.
And remember how we were building a headboard?
Pink Wall Color / Black Trim Color
/ Bedding / Green Drapes / Palm Print / DIY Headboard
It’s velvet. And luscious. And pretty. And actually not too hard at all to make – the tutorial for it is right here.
Kelly Green Drapes / Bedding / Banana Leaf Pillows / Leopard Print Pillow / Headboard
You may have also spied those lucite curtain rods – another DIY project. I tried to save as much money as possible on this makeover by reusing items we already had either in our old master bedroom or in other places at our old house. The green curtains used to be in our living room and wouldn’t work for our new living room, but were perfect for our Well Traveled Bedroom. The snakeskin lamps also used to reside in our dining room. Bringing in the snakeskin prints, leopard prints and banana leaf prints was another way I kept the “Well Traveled” theme going. I felt like all those types of prints and patterns combined with the detailed feature wall worked perfectly into the theme. The nightstands are new to us, however they didn’t cost a dime. A friend gave them to us and I just painted them.
The light fixture added a touch of glam and also helped to pull the lucite curtain rods together.
Palm Print / Leopard Print Pillow / Banana Leaf Pillow / DIY Huge Picture Frame
As I told you in my design plan post for this room, we already had the palm tree print on hand, however it didn’t have a frame. Let me just tell you – frames that are almost as big as you are ain’t cheap. Grunt Labor and I made our own for about $25. Purchasing one already made would have been about $150. The tutorial for the frame can be found here.
Moving across from the bed is a small sitting area.
Accent Chair / Elephant Table (similar ones) / Leopard Print Pillow / Date Art
Once more with the exception of the leopard print pillow, I already had all of this on hand. The chair had been in our old master bedroom. I bought the elephant table awhile back having no idea where it would go, but who can pass up an elephant table for $20? Exactly. No one. The date art is our wedding anniversary. Considering that both myself and Grunt Labor have forgotten our anniversary before, I figure it’s a good way to remind us. The gold mirror is literally like gold to me – it was my great aunt’s, then it hung in my grandparent’s living room and then I took it when they died. It had to stay in storage for quite some time until I had the perfect place for it.
And did I mention I covered a wall with carpet? For about the last year, I’ve been dying to cover a wall with AstroTurf. The wall that leads into our master bedroom closet seemed to be the perfect candidate. However, after looking at the Astroturf more, it was just too shiny and bright. Instead, I used darker green outdoor rugs to cover the wall. I love the added dimension it gives.
DIY Carpet Covered Wall / Closet Door Medallions / Gold Door Knobs
The marble top table used to be a nightstand in our old master bedroom. Mama graciously loaned me her bamboo lamp for the space, because really, how can you have a Well Traveled Master Bedroom without a bamboo lamp? The Easy Like Sunday Morning print was another print that used to hang on the gallery wall in our old living room. I also jazzed up the closet doors with medallions.
Remember, this makeover was part of FrogTape’s® Paintover Challenge. They gave myself and five other bloggers a box of painting supplies and $1,000 to makeover our rooms.
Here’s the budget breakdown for my room:
Paint – $100
Light Fixture – $124
Headboard (velvet upholstery, foam, batting, wood, etc.) – $243
Bedding – $240
Accent Pillows & Inserts (I had some inserts on hand already) – $98
DIY Art Frame – $20
Lucite Curtain Rods – $206
Closet Door Medallions & Knobs – $27
Rugs for Closet Wall & Moldings – $30 (I had store credit for part of this.)
Grand Total: $1,088
I did go over budget by $88. The main reason for that was that it ended up taking three coats of pink paint and therefore I had to buy another $50 gallon of the paint. The headboard also took more foam than I expected which was about another $30 cost.
There were also parts of this room that were factored into our whole house renovation. That included the carpet, construction of the new closet, and closing up the openings to the old closet, which became the Circus’ playroom. Those were things that were planned out long before this room design was dreamed up, so I didn’t factor those into the actual makeover budget.
What do you think? Is it “Well Traveled” to you?
Randi says
Wow! You really did a great job here. It may have taken you out of your comfort zone, but apparently that’s where you belong! 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Randi!!!! I was sure it would be an utter failure!! You might be right though – maybe I need to step out of it a bit more!
Janice Hunt says
Wow! Very Chic, Glam & Art Deco!!!! You hit the ball outta the park!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks SO much, Janice!!!
Amy says
Wild! Looks great! Only thing missing is one of those “hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil” monkey statues….well maybe not since the rest is “have no fun” ….but definitely a monkey is needed!????
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
hahahaha!!! A monkey could fit in well, Amy!
Bridget says
Awesome job friend!!! Love that accent wall so much!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks girl!!!! Me too – SO happy with how it turned out!
Lisa A. says
Wow Jenna! It is wonderful, and so you!….you should be so proud of the fabulous job you did. You truly are talented.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you so much, Lisa! That is an awesome compliment to receive!
MJ says
Lucky you, pink walls and modern……Your style is not my style, but your bedroom certainly looks ready for prime time. The medallions on the door really glam it up. The dark paint means you don’t have to look out for fingerprints, right? Washing my light woodwork is a pain in the you-know-where. But I’m too conservative to take the dark paint way out…..sigh……..
RE agent shuns my pink bedroom walls and pink bathroom fixtures. Won’t even take photos of those two rooms actually organized, decorated, livable…. Instead she takes pix of the rooms where the packed boxes are stacked and the furniture is in disarray as i decide what to keep and what to let go.
There is a new RE agent in my future!!!!
Thanks for showing us something really different and well-planned……
PS autofill contact info not working today. Is it my system or yours messing it up?
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Girlfriend, you definitely need a new real estate agent!! We’re going to have to teach her a thing or two! I’m hoping the dark molding will be better at hiding fingerprints – we’ll see! I don’t know about the autofill situation, but I’ll keep an eye on it – sorry for the trouble!
Kellie Smith says
I love it Jenna!! Bravo!!!! It really looks fantastic!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Kellie!
Amy Villicano says
I LOOOOOOVE it!!!! When we build our house you must come and help with all the designing and decorating!!! 😉
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
haha!!! As long as you provide cheap beer! 😉
Deb says
When I saw the picture of the bed…..
my first thoughts ….boutique hotel in
New Orleans!!!!
OK…..I had my doubts about pink and black,
but you obviously knew what you were doing.
A lot of work and maybe a few cuss words went into this room…..but you outdid yourself!!
I am ready to cast my vote:)
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Girl, I had NO idea what I was doing!!!! I was seriously ready to go into the fetal position and cry multiple times during the whole shebang! Luckily, it worked out though! Yes – quite a few cuss words! haha!
Brigitte says
Finally! 😉 I LOVE it….it’s beautiful and very “Hollywood” chic. That’s possibly not the vibe you were going for, but trust me…’s a good thing. I love that dresser, very MCM (which is my secret love, truthfully….don’t tell my hubby, he’s into vintage industrial and farmhouse! 😉 ) I love the carpet on the wall….I might try something like that in my bedroom, it really warms up the space. I love the accent wall, and you were right, I wasn’t digging the pink and black but it’s GREAT with the black and white. Eeeek on the covering the black with tape to redo the white parts, tho. You go, girl! I love the ceiling medallions on the closet doors (I have that exact medallion in one of my bedrooms, lol). Oh….I just LOVE the whole thing!
I can’t believe how big this room is, it’s still HUGE!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
It is a big room, Brigitte. I still wish when the previous owners added the addition they would have used the space more effectively, but what ya gonna do? It did take some time to go back over the accent wall and cover the pink with the white, but it was so worth it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Lisa says
Hard work paid off! Everything looks absolutely amazing and well coordinated. Applause, Applause, Applause!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Lisa!!!
Barbara Christianson says
I love it. Traveling outside your comfort zone is definitely the direction you should follow because this is some of your best work. The accent wall is fantastic. I will have a 21′ wall to deal with in my new home & this may be just the ticket. Thanks for the inspiration.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Wow, Barbara, thanks so much for such a great compliment! I really appreciate that! I do think this accent wall pattern works well for long walls – it’s not too intricate that it’s too much, but it’s still bold and makes a statement!
Patty says
Oh my Jenna, your well traveled master bedroom is just beautiful. I love all the different elements you used from the mid century dresser to the chandelier to your beautiful headboard, just to much to list. If you still have any doubts about the colors forget those doubts because the colors are just perfect. It is elegant and chic and fun, fun.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Patty! I love how it turned out in the end!!!
Julie says
WOW! You are something else my friend! I can’t see me doing this in my home, and yet doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate what has been done. Love the rug as wall covering, mirror, the painstaking taping to get that wall look and overall awesome job! A++++++++ my dear!! =)
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Julie!!! I know my style is sometimes too much for some people, so I really appreciate your kind words! It did take some time and I’m so happy with the result!
Dharma says
It’s not me but it sure is YOU! Lots of work girl….when you install the Tiki bar give me a call 🙂 Nice stuff. Love the palm tree print!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Will do, Dharma!
Sara says
Jenna….I envy your ability to think up a color scheme, then actually be able to execute it with so much panache!!!! Room is lovely!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Sara! You should know though that it took me weeks to come up with a color to use in this room and of course I went back and forth with the pink decision a million times!
mary ballerin says
I love palm trees, the colors, your nightstands, the pink lamp, slipper chair, etc., and from what “I” could see of the pink geometric pattern it looked good!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Mary! I love how it all came together. I don’t know that the pink and black pattern looked bad together, but it just didn’t have that black and white wow factor!
Cynthia says
This is too cute! I don’t even know where to begin. I love everything about this!
Likely By Sea
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Cynthia!
Cheryl Evans says
You really took on a brave adventure in this room, and IT WORKED! Kudos for doing the feature wall design and putting the Frog Tape to such good use. Also love the closet door handle surrounds, great idea.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Cheryl! It was scary stepping out of my comfort zone, but I think it turned out well!
Suzanne Melton says
I love the way you do black! And who woulda thunk a grass wall?
The headboard is perfect…I just finished an upholstery class, working on a slipper chair (13’45” to remove fabric, stuffing, tacks; 13′ to add webbing, foam, batting). Haven’t started cutting the new fabric…all this is to encourage you to recover a chair. Even though it takes lots of work, it’s actually fun. And I know you want to have fun.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Suzanne! I wasn’t sure about the grass wall either, but I’m SO glad it worked out!! And girl, it’s going to take a lot for me to recover a chair – I don’t know if my nerves could handle it right now!
Sally says
Wow Jenna….you really outdid yourself!! This room is stunning…..way to go!! Everything is just perfectly appointed. Must be something to that cheap beer…..
Someday, when you catch your breath, you should paint the elephants blanket or whatever it’s wearing Kelley green for a pop of green I. The corner. You nailed this room girlfriend! Congratulations!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Sally. Something worked out well and the cheap beer might be due some credit for it! haha! I agree on the elephant – I like that idea!
Michele says
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Michele!
Pam S says
Nothing less than I expected……absolutely, perfectly a.w.e.s.o.m.e.!!! Got my vote!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you so much, Pam!!
Valerie George says
I absolutely love this room! It feels like a cool Miami Vice vibe to it too! I love the painting technique you used on the wall. Thanks for sharing! I hope you win! 😀
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oooo, I LOVE the Miami Vice description! Thank you!
Jeannee Taylor says
You really nailed the “70’s” Hollywood Glam Vibe! The chandelier is so perfect I was going to ask if it was already there, then I read the article! You could not have chosen a better one! The carpet on the wall IS really gutsy and awesome !
Congratulations on your 6th wedding anniversary this past Saturday!
Love the whole room!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Jeannee! I wish that chandelier would have already been there!! I’m not that lucky!
Sara says
Beautiful job!! Love it all!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Sara!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
Oh my goodness – this is a GORGEOUS room. I wish i had your talent for design! That painted black wall – I can’t. Thanks for sharing at Share the Wealth Sunday – we hope to see you again soon!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you so much, Morgan!
Sahana says
Love it. What a transformation. Thank you for linking up with us at #HomeMattersParty . We would love to have you again next week .
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Sahana!
Theresa @DearCreatives says
Jenna, Love the design on the feature wall! I bet it was a pain to redo but, the results are amazing. Thanks for joining us at the Inspiration Spotlight party. Shared
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
It was a pain to re-tape and paint again, but so worth it!! Thanks!
Cindy Richter says
Fantabulous job! Love the black and white wall!
Jenna says
Thanks, Cindy!
Victoria @DazzleWhileFrazzled says
Wow, amazing room! Love everything about it. Pretty ‘freaky’ to cover a wall with carpet. Visiting from Pretty Pintastic Party.
Marie says
I absolutely love the carpet wall! It is gorgeous and you are so right. It add an extra level of dimension to your room. Thanks for sharing your makeover with us at Merry Monday this week!
Jenna says
Thanks so much, Marie!
Calleen Petersen says
I love the black walls and pink accents. Brave and beautiful!
creativejewishmom/sara says
Amazing Jenna, can’t believe that faux grass covered wall escaped me previously, you are brilliant. thanks so much for sharing on craft schooling Sunday!