There is one thing I really wish I could make happen when a person walks into our den.
Either Guns N’ Roses Welcome to the Jungle or an Elvis song would start playing automatically.
Alas, my skills aren’t capable of such an epic event.
Either way, welcome to the jungle room, otherwise known as our den. It’s inspired by, you guessed it, Elvis’ jungle room, but has our own twist on it of course.
Disclosure: Mohawk Home provided me with the rug for this space and Minted provided me with some of the art. However, all opinions and bringing paneling back in style are 100% mine. This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.
The Jungle Room Den Makeover
We started with this….
And now we’re here…
Rug / Trim and Fireplace Color / Sofa / Light Fixture
Yes, gasp, we kept the paneling. And we love it.
Besides the furniture of course, all we actually did in here was switch out the light fixtures, paint the trim and the fireplace. Can you believe how different it looks just with those three changes?
I really really wanted to give the paneling a try. Grunt Labor really didn’t. I had seen my friend, Kellie’s house where she kept the paneling and it looked great. Also, I didn’t want to spend any more money than we had to on the renovation. And it is the 70’s Landing Pad, I really wanted to give a nod to the house and it’s roots with the design and the paneling helped to do that. Grunt and I negotiated and came to an agreement that I could keep the paneling as long as he gets a bigger television by the end of the year. I think I got the better end of the deal, he thinks he did. So obviously it was a pretty good deal.
Let’s back up for a second though, before you enter the den, when you come down the stairs, you’re greeted by this..
Ray Bans Art / Brass Wall Sconce
I was trying to keep the den more “manly” than the living room so that Grunt Labor would have a space that was more him than me. I saw this sunglasses watercolor and knew it would be great for setting that tone before you entered the den. Grunt Labor has a pair of those glasses himself and I think it also lends a good vibe to the jungle room.
I painted all the trim, bookshelves and fireplace in the den in semi-gloss Limousine Leather by Behr, which is my go-to black paint color.
I really wanted some pops of red off the black fireplace so I brought in the Shut Your Mouth art (it was just DIY art I made on PicMonkey) from the gallery wall at our previous house and threw up my little red boots from when I was a kid and also the same ones the Circus wore out. I snagged the single of mine and Grunt Labor’s song, Your Love, a while back and had been holding onto it forever. It found it’s perfect place on top of the mantel.
Cheetah Art / Fireplace Paint Color
And since it is the jungle room, I of course had to give nods to some wild animals. I found this cheetah print on Minted and had it framed in a matte brass frame to pop off the fireplace and also coordinate with the light fixtures in the room.
The most challenging aspect of this makeover for me were those built-in shelves.
Y’all, larger scaled shelves elude me in terms of styling. The ones are the right weren’t so bad, they were actually smaller than the ones on the left.
Brass Horse (similar ones) / Copper Frames
I pretty easily styled those without making it look too cluttered. I just added in a few framed pictures and trinkets. One goal of mine in this house was to have more framed family photos, whether candid or posed out, so the shelves gave me the perfect opportunity for that. I put framed photos of the Circus and my Pap when he was a kid on the top shelf and a photo from our wedding on the bottom shelf. However, on the other side of the fireplace it seemed everything I did made the shelves look like a cluttered mess.
Brass Horse Head Bookend (similar ones) / Magnifying Glass & Letter Opener Set / Vintage Travel Clock (similar ones)
Luck was on my side though and my father-in-law sent up a set of his old law books – all with beautiful green covers. I used those throughout the shelves and it worked out nicely. That photo there is my in-laws on their wedding day. It’s one of my favorite pictures. They laughed at me when I first framed it. 🙂
Sofa / Malachite Table / Navy Side Tables / Fur Throw / Rug
If there was one thing that I got deals of a lifetime on with this house, it’s the sofas. The living room sofa was a steal of a deal and a beauty. This sofa, which is actually the Gordon Tufted Chesterfield Sofa from Home Decorators Collection was a Craigslist find. The lady selling it had ordered it for her bedroom sitting area and once she got it, she decided it was more for a den and didn’t want to use it in her bedroom. Yes please. I will take that off your hands for hundreds less than it would cost new. She had literally never used it one single time, y’all! I drug Grunt and Bill out in the freezing rain (literally, freezing rain) to buy it because I was so scared someone else would get it before I could.
There’s a ledge that runs across the wall the couch is against. I created this small vignette just above the couch to create another focal point in the space as well. The brass lamp was a vintage find and I’ve had the antlers for quite a while. Grunt Labor picked out the vintage car and palm print, which is called Ocean Avenue. He said it reminded him of Isle of Palms, which is our favorite beach destination. A photo of Grunt and his Grandpa digging up dirt worked in perfectly with this vignette too.
Navy End Table / Oversized Jack / Sofa
For now, we have the navy end tables in here. I really love their lines and plan on keeping them, but not sure if I should paint them. I thought the navy might clash too much against the black, but it doesn’t seem to. What do you think? The tables are topped with the snakeskin lamps. I did have those in our master bedroom, but realized they most definitely fit in better in the jungle room. 😉
The fur throw used to be in the guest room at our previous house. However, he wasn’t using it over here, so I snagged it for the den for now.
The malachite table was my birthday gift from my dad. He did good, right? He may or may not have gotten an email with the exact link to what I wanted. 😉
Down from the couch is the vintage black chair we had in our previous living room. Yes, I cheated and threw the fur throw on it for photos. #sorrynotsorry It just looks so good on both the couch and the chair.
Radio turned Bar / Green Lamp / Giraffe Tray / Cow Print
Opposite the fireplace is the vintage radio turned bar. Once more, not 100% sure about the blue in this space, but it works for now. The cow art used to be in our bedroom and the lamp used to be in Bill’s room, but neither was needed in those spaces this time around so the den took custody of them.
The big statement piece in the room that really lets you know this is the jungle room is the rug. It’s the Waitsfield Zebra rug from American Rug Craftsmen. The rug is bold in pattern, but thick and plush in comfort. It gives a cozy feel to the space when you walk across it. The Circus has already claimed it as one of her favorite places to play on the floor. It’s got stain protection built into it as well, which we all know is good for the Circus.
Alright, what do you guys think of the Jungle Room Den Makeover?
I can’t wait to hear your thoughts – good or bad! ha!
Shop the Jungle Room…
Lou says
I detest paneling. SO imagine my shock that I actually liked this makeover. Actually, my first focus was that Godfather-esque leather couch. Holy moly – that is an amazing find… well done.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
haha!! Yay, Lou! I’m glad you liked it! I know – that couch! I am still overjoyed about that find!
June says
I have this basement and I’ve painted the paneling twice once taupe and recently one wall i painted dark grey and that made a huge difference it’s a focal point wall. I painted the fireplace darker grey and I love it!
I like your navy accent with your black. I like your theme, try adding a coat of paint that creates a pearly blue hue to the painted fireplace, I’ve seen that lately and it softens the black edge and it will bring in your navy and still incorporates your black and will looks rich? I’m not in love with your fireplace screen, maybe simple black? tmi?
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Never tmi, June! I love getting everyone’s input! I’m not crazy about that screen either – it’s the one that came with the house. I’m sure it will get updated at some point. You’re paneled room sounds really pretty!
Anne Marie Eleniak says
I grew up with paneling in our den and hated it – but somehow you found a way to make it more contemporary – well done!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Anne Marie!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Anne Marie!
Shirley says
Jenna love your Jungle room. Painting the fireplace black has made such a difference to the panelling. I love the blue furniture and you have some great art work. Still can’t believe David Bowie has gone. I have keptmy daughters tiny cowboy boots I got her in Atlantic City in 1999 which cost $9!! She is in the process of moving out- hope she leaves them behind!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Girl, hide those boots from her! They make such cute decor and meaningful too! I know, can’t believe he is gone either. Such a good one. So glad you like the space! Thank you!
Rebecca says
Oh Jenna! You’ve done a great job with this room – Grunt Labor (and anyone else) would love to hang out in this space. Love the vibe you have going on in this new house…. Today’s post was oh so very fitting. I saw the title and laughed because me, The Mr. and The Boy are going to see Guns n Roses tonight at Gillette in Foxboro, MA. So immediately I started singing the rest of the song…….
Welcome to the jungle
We’ve got fun ‘n’ games
We got everything you want
Honey, we know the names
We are the people that can find
Whatever you may need
If you got the money, honey
We got your disease
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Rebecca, you have NO IDEA just how jealous I am of you! I LOVE GNR! They came to Nashville, which is the closest to us a few weeks back, but we had already committed to another event that weekend. I was so upset! Sing and scream a little more for me!
Anne Coles says
i’m old enough to have put the paneling up and painted it pale yellow, years later. It brightened up a weary basement and looked pretty good too. The house was sold in a week so it wasn’t too bad. Now I’m in Northern Ontario and trying to make my home look like this century, but homey. This will be our last home and we love it. I’m enjoying your blog and wishing I could still do as you do. Make sure you take time to enjoy your space with love. I like your black couch too! But it’s black!!!!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Anne! I bet that yellow did brighten up your basement! 🙂 I am definitely ready to sit back and enjoy the house more than working on it! haha!
Brocanteuserose says
That is one manly fancy pants makeover! Not an easy accomplishment but you sure make it look easy. 🙂 The paneling works in the room, and of course love that couch! Whoo hoo for awesome deals!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks! Yes! Big whoo hoo for awesome deals!
Carol says
Another job well done Miss Jenna. I’m with Lou and Anne Marie about the paneling. We have it in our Rec room; still dislike it. Four walls of a 500 square foot room covered with barn wood paneling. It’s been there for 35 years.Enough of that. Yours looks good. I would probably paint the blue tables red (I love red). But, I love all the black, and the pictures, and the boots, cute. Hugs C.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Carol! I hadn’t thought about painting them red – that might work really well! I’ve really been feeling some red here lately! Thanks for the idea!
Jeannee Taylor says
I love the color of the end tables and the radio turned bar. That being said, they do not look Navy from where I am sitting…they look brighter blue so they look mahvelous! The room is fabulous and you get extra points for having the chutzpah to paint the fireplace black!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Jeannee! I guess the radio turned bar isn’t actually navy, it’s a brighter blue. The end tables are more navy, but I think those windows bring in some light that doesn’t make them look so dark.
Debra Bartels says
The black fireplace, those little red boots, the zebar rug, that black couch, and the sunglasses print. There has to be an award for how to bring a room together and you should receive it. You are on a roll young lady!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh thank you, Debra!! You telling me that is award enough!
Patty says
Jenna, love your jungle room. If you had told me you were going to paint your fireplace black I would have said are you nuts? Goes to show you how much I know, cuz I love it. The only thing different I would do is I would take a rag and rub in a little gray tones on the brick and maybe even paint the mortar a dark gray, but you are better at decorating than I am I just never can leave well enough alone and I always like a little contrast and try to create texture.
I can’t believe how lucky you are at buying couches, first you get that incredibly beautiful curved couch for a steel then you find a brand new black leather couch on Craigslist, and it is beautiful. I love your birthday present, your dad did real good and that rug oh my, it just pulls everything together, and I love all the artwork especially the palm print (anything with a muscle car).
If you decide to paint your tables you might consider red, I love how the little red boots just really pop on your mantle.
I don’t know if it is the pictures, but the lamps appear a little short, I would elevate them on some pretty books so that the lamps can be seen at every angle, plus if you are reading the light is better. I had to elevate a round base lamp one time and books under it just didn’t look right and I had some of those cheap plastic small lazy susans and since the lamp was black and gold I glued the lazy susan’s together and painted it a high gloss black then a high gloss sealer then I found some small gold rope and glued around each joint, and it was perfect the lamp sat on it just perfect and my friends thought it was part of the lamp.
I can tell that this room is going to evolve over the years and will be one of your favorite rooms. I think you have done a beautiful job on this room, and I want to see everything you continue to do.
I hope you don’t think I was being critical, I was just trying to give you ideas to tweak it a little (like you need my tweaking skills), because I really love this room and I see you and your family spending a lot of time in here.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Patty, I would never think you were being critical! I love your input and I do think red might just work perfectly for those end tables! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that color since I love how much the reds pop off the fireplace! Thanks for helping me out! The lamps are short – that’s a good idea to stack some books under them! Your little lamp DIY sounds so cool!
Patty says
I really am long winded today. I forgot to mention the fireplace screen, I have that exact same screen and I hate it. I’m really thinking of painting it a flat black with rust-o-liums high heat paint. my brick is a really dark red with black in it, but your brick is black so the screen would disappear if you painted it black.
During the summer I put a mirror in the fireplace at the back and have battery operated candles and battery twinkle lights on timers and it looks so pretty at night when the lights com on and the reflection on the mirror is amazing. Food for thought, but I think if you painted your screen it would look really good.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Patty! The candles and mirror sound gorgeous!! I don’t know what I’ll do with that part of the fireplace yet – I haven’t gotten that far! haha!
Miss M says
I still have the same paneling in my living room. Instead of a jungle room, I’ve decorated in country barn. Come by and see me sometime when you visit your dad.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Sounds pretty! I’ll try and stop by sometime!
Lisa A. says
Love the room, love the paneling, love the couch, and the painted fireplace. Blue accents, not so much…but can’t think what might work…no more black and green might be too matchy matchy…..maybe painted gold? All I know is I am going in search of my 20 year olds cowboy boots from 6th birthday that are in a box SOMEWHERE……What on earth are you going to do with yourself when the landing pad is done!!!!?
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Lisa! Someone else just suggested red on those end tables and I think that might work well! Girl, you find those boots and get them out on display!! Oh, and I’ll sleep when it’s all done. And watch tv and all those movies I keep saying I want to see! haha!
Sarah says
This is so different from how I have decorated my own home and I love everything about it. Job extremely well done ????
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you so much, Sarah!
Cheryl Evans says
Great Job, Jenna. You managed to keep the room current and manly, without doing all cars or cowboys etc. Not that a hot rod or a Clint Eastwood photo can Ever be a bad thing! Love the sofa (you lucky gal) and the snake skin lamps are so great, The navy and black look good together, but the suggested red would be nice too. Personally I would do the green Malachite look on the end tables, because your table is a treasure. Or for fun, another animal print just to go more jungle feeling. But hey, take a break and enjoy all you have done. Plenty of time this winter, in between sports of course, to change anything.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Cheryl! No, a Clint Eastwood photo could never be a bad thing. 😉 I love the malachite idea for the end tables, but that would take a whole lot of thinking on my part! Not sure I’m all that talented!
Rhawnee says
I never comment, but I also had never heard of any other couple around our age whose song was “Your Love!” My now husband sang it to me while driving through a blizzard on our first date. I even got a repeat performance for my 30th birthday party this year 🙂
Your house is coming along great! I love seeing you put your spin on everything. Great job!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you so much, Rhawnee! Glad to hear of someone else whose song is a cheating song! haha!! That sounds like an epic first date!
Sally says
Wow! This room looks amazing! You certainly have talent. You have accomplished so much in this house. I’m impressed. You done good Girl!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Sally!
Arlie Boutwell says
Love the room, only thing I would do different (because I also grew up with paneling) is I would put something behind the built in book shelves, animal print, fabric or paint to kill some of the paneling.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I was a actually thinking about doing something like that, Arlie. I think it would highlight the objects in the book shelves more. Thanks for the reassurance!
Pam S says
Oh my goodness!….that’s almost my den 🙂 Same paneling…built-ins beside the fireplace, lots of etc., etc. I’ve done the jungle thing too. Arlie mentioned putting paint, whatever on the backs of the bookcases. I did that & l.o.v.e. it. In fact, before painting I used colored poster board just to reassure myself. Lived with it a while ~ then got to painting! But it’s a great (cheap) way to decide. Great job!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Pam! Yep, I think I will eventually paint the backs of those bookcases too! 🙂
Suzanne Melton says
Wow…and I am so glad you took down the ceiling fans!
Funny, the thing that first struck me was how painting the trim black around/inbetween the paneling made a HUGE difference.
Our “go to” black paint is black appliance paint. We did use it to paint a white freezer ($60, craigslist), and then the range hood ($25 new-in-box, estate sale), the IKEA cabinets above the range hood, and the beadboard between the hood and the range.
We’ll do Dave’s office next and I think he’s going to paint the crown and baseboard black.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I know, Suzanne! Isn’t it crazy how something just like painting the trim made such a big difference?! I’ve never used appliance paint, but I’ve heard good things about it! Glad to hear another one in case I ever need to use it!