I’m not quite sure if this is considered a hack or an upcycle.
I’m a pathetic excuse for a DIY blogger, aren’t I?
I was definitely up-cycling these trays into something better, but I guess I’m also hacking them too?
I settled on a hack.
Because it sounds more scandalous.
And I’m nothing if I’m not scandalous.
If you only knew the half of it…..
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Aren’t they so pretty?
Don’t they look expensive?
Don’t shatter my dreams if you don’t like them.
I am in love with them and just know they will look fabulous on my coming-soon bar cart.
So, seriously, these took less than 15 minutes to hack. They already came in those super cute green and blue colors.
Geez, the lighting is terrible in my craft room. But you can see where they were just $1, right?
And they also come in pink and yellow colors as well.
To do these, I took a gold Sharpie paint pen, and just ran it along the lines, edges, and corners of the tray.
Yup, real hardcore DIY stuff, y’all.
Each tray has little dots, so with the green one, I just pressed my marker over the dots to make the polka dot pattern.
Wouldn’t these be fabulous little gifts too?
Give it with a fab necklace or some smell good lotion.
I picked these up just last week and they had tons of them, so I’m sure you can still get some.
If you hurry.
Love trays?
Me too. Some, myself included, would even call me a tray whore. You can see the evidence for yourself:
Looking for more tray ideas? Check these out:
DIY Bathtub Tray with Book Holder – one of my favorite projects to date and it’s an easy build!
DIY Lucite Trays– so easy to make and great for desk storage!
This DIY Monogram Tray makes a fab Christmas gift as well.
This vanity tray was once stuck in 1988 and barely made it out alive or through the half-off Goodwill day.
You know you don’t wanna miss any of this crazy.
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Dee Williamson says
That’s a great idea! Use it as a gift tray!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Yep, Dee! Exactly what I was thinking!
Katie says
These trays are great!! I won’t burst your bubble saying I don’t like them, because I think they are adorable. Talk about an easy DIY
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks for not bursting my bubble, Katie!! I’m so glad you like them!
Julia@Cuckoo4Design says
I I totally love them. And yes they look expensive and stylish.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Julia!
Andi says
They look great and expensive too! I think a shopping trip is in order for me…! 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
That’s what I thought, Andi! They definitely don’t look like they came off the dollar rack anymore!
polly plum says
I’m at the Dollar Spot about once a week and never saw these- does every target have the same stuff?
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I don’t know if they do or not, Polly! I got these a few months back so they could be gone by now!
Joan says
What I would do with trays that I made up pretty is use them for chocolate baskets only because I love my chocolates
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Joan, that is a great idea! Who wouldn’t love chocolate on a tray?
Bethany the ngnrdgrl says
Jenna, I love this! Those are some of my favorite colors too. I can’t believe those are $1 trays. You took them from “meh” to “wow!” I am totally tempted to run out and buy these now. Pinned. 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Bethany! I know, I was so surprised myself at what the paint pen did for them! Love it!
Abby says
How cute! You can’t beat the good stuff in the dollar section, its great! Love how your trays turned out!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
No, you can’t beat it, Abby! I love it! Thanks!
Beth says
LOVE!!!! I need a retacular tray for my bathroom, I will be on the look out for something similiar and take advantage of your idea of using a sharpie pen to embellish it!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Beth! Yep, those sharpie paint pens work wonders!
Stephanie @ Sandpaper and Glue says
love it! so quick and easy, which is exactly what I need this time of year!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I know what you mean, Stephanie! Thanks!
Michelle @ Elegance & Enchantment says
I’m literally running to my Target this afternoon! I cannot believe how crazy pretty those look just using a Sharpie. I’m currently going through a tray “phase”. These are perfect. Thanks for sharing!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I am always in a tray phase. Always. Its bad! Hope you got some trays!!
Renee says
So cute – big improvement with little effort~
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Exactly, Renee! Thanks!
Brittany says
I vote for hack over upcycle, too! These are stinkin’ cute!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Brittany! I’m glad someone agrees with me on the hack choice!
polly plum says
Can someone explain to us newbies the difference between hack/ recycle/upcycle? thx
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
That is a great question – and honestly I don’t know that I have the right definition. Here’s my perception – a hack is when you take something as is and add a little too it to make it better. A recycle / upcycle is taking something and turning it completely into something else.
Kara says
Fabulous! Makes me want to go to Target right now which is very dangerous:)
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Kara, I know how that goes! Anytime I go to Target it is dangerous!
polly plum says
In my life, Dollar tree is just as dangerous, because its closer to my house:/
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I totally understand, Polly! I love me some Dollar Tree too!
Heather - dollarstorecrafts says
They’re cool! I saw those trays at target and thought “what could I do with those?” but I didn’t actually think of anything. Good job on this!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Heather! I wasn’t sure I what I was really going to do with them until I got them home! I just knew they were too cute!
Lusine says
I’m totally heading to Target tomorrow! You find some gems from time to time in those dollar bins of theirs. They do look quite elegant and expensive! And I like how the polka dot pattern is already laid out for you to accentuate with the pen. Great idea, Jenna! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
That polka dot pattern already being there was the best part, Lusine!! Hope you found some trays! Thanks!
tennille says
I think they are cute 🙂 Could be good in a girls room as well-can’t get broken
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Yep, break proof! Gotta have that around here, Tennille! Thanks!
Sarah says
What section of Target you found the trays? Was it in the “$1” section or back by the dishes?
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Sarah, they were in the dollar section right as you walk in. Or at least that’s where the dollar section is at my store!
Anne says
I actually picked up some of these at Target to do some wall art for my son. But I really REALLY love what you did! I may just have to go back!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Anne! Oooooo……I can’t wait to see how you were going to use these for wall art – I bet it is fabulous!
Erin @ DIY on the Cheap says
So cute! What a clever idea! Love!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Erin!
rebecca platt says
Love these. I like trays as well. Oh, and mirrors. I’ve been on a mirror kick lately. Very cute.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Rebecca! And I totally get your mirror kick as well! Been there myself!
Cathy says
Jenna, you’ve finally crossed that line…over to my crafti-ness level lol!! These are SO cute!! What a great & easy idea. We just had a Target store open in our area (they bought out some of the Zellers stores we had, the one that Walmart didn’t buy). I haven’t been yet but will go soon to see what all the hype’s about. I am always reading on blogs of buying this or that at Target! So can’t wait to see what bargains I can find there myself…
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Hahahahahahahahaha, Cathy! You are too funny! You could totally do any of my crafts! I love, love, love Target and you are going to love, love, love Target too!!
Libby Boyle says
I looovvveee trays too. Mainly timber and rattan, but lately I’ve been finding silver ones at my local charity shop that no one else seems to love. I like your quick and easy tray hack. They look really cute. I’m not sure if those trays are available in Target here in Australia but I’ll be looking for something similar.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Libby! I always look for trays at thrift stores! And I will usually snatch up just about any kind because I know I will use it at some point!
Krista @ the happy housie says
Such a simple transformation totally took them from looking plastic to pretty- great job. The shape and colours were fab to begin with and you added so much character!! Love it:)
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Krista! It may really be one of the easiest projects I have ever done!
malia says
You did a beautiful job on this! I had seen your thumbnail for this somewhere and when I was at Targe’ yesterday, it took all of my willpower NOT to buy these and try them too… love what you did!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, thank you so much, Malia! It was really easy and fast!
Kelley @ Miss Information Blog says
These turned out so great! I’m a cookbook whore myself!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Kelley! Glad someone else is a material whore with me! haha!
Gretchen@BoxyColonial says
Cute! How thoughtful of Target to pick already good colors for the trays :)…and I already have a gold sharpie paint pen. Hmm…..
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I know, right, Gretchen?! They just totally were thinking of us DIYers! haha! Go get some trays!
Carrie MkgLemonade says
Back off everyone, I’m heading out tomorrow to Target and there’d better be some trays left! I’m such a sucker for hexagons, you have NO idea. Great hack/upcycle. Now to push aside all the other Target Dollar Spot shoppers to get some…
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Hahahahaha! You are too funny, Carrie! When I bought these, I thought that I remembered you posting something about hexagons on Instagram, but couldn’t remember for sure! Hope you get some trays!
Allyson says
These look so nice and expensive!!! I really love this idea, and I am going to Target RIGHT NOW to try to find these little trays! Thanks for sharing!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Hope you found some trays! I just love the look of these too!
thedumbbelle says
these look really great! and super stylish with the polka dots. personally, i love them 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you! I love the polka dots too!
Christine@ Let's Get Crafty! says
These are FAB!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Christine!
Selene Galindo says
These are absolutely fabulous! Love the colors with the gold! I need a gold sharpie!!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Selene! Yes, you do need a gold sharpie! In my opinion, everyone does! haha!
jessica says
I JUST saw these yesterday! I JUST bout a huge pack of sharpies for another DIY. Thanks for posting!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Awesome, Jessica! I just love me some sharpies!
Alexis @ Persia Lou says
Saw these at Target and couldn’t pass them up. Love your upgrade!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Alexis! I know! I had no idea what I would do with them at first, but I couldn’t leave them!
Abby @ Just a Girl and Her Blog says
Very cute, Jenna! Love that it’s so simple too! I will have to keep an eye out for those trays the next time I’m at Target! Thanks for the inspiration!
~Abby =)
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Abby! So simple!
Ginnie says
Great idea! I need to head to Target and track down these trays!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Yes, Ginnie, they are awesome!
The French Hens Nest says
Love your trays! Cute cute cute!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Linda at The French Hens Nest
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Linda! Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving!
Shelly- MinettesMaze says
This is such a cute idea!! Simple and adds some boldness!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Shelly!
Natalie @ A Turtle's Life for Me says
Get out of town!!! Those are fabulous! I just picked up a gold Sharpie the other day and have absolutely no time to swing by Target, but I’ll head out there anyways! These are just gorgeous! Love the way your brain works!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I know, right, Natalie!? Hope you found some trays! They still had a lot the other day! I’m actually headed back out in a bit to grab some more!
The DIY Homegirl says
Very cool! I love trays also. I like how cheap and easy your hack is. Sometimes the simplest of updates is the best!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
So true! Love simple updates!
Jae says
So cute! Love the gold.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Jae!
Melissa French, The More With Less Mom says
This is a great hack, they look so nice. Hello from Anything Goes Linky.
Caroline Kacal says
I am in LOVE with these trays. So pretty and simple to transform.
Julie Spear says
DANG IT!!! I totally say these Target Dollar Spot trays and picked them up, and looked at them, and considered them, and put them back down… BECAUSE, my brain did NOT envision this lovely hack/upcycle for them…. poop. Gonna have to go back to Target and see if they still have any, AND pick up some lucite frame/trays as well…. THANKS for sharing your brain with us, LOL!!!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I love those little trays, Julie! I think I saw some the last time I was there – not many though. I also have some extra ones waiting on me for another fun project..