While I have come to love split-level homes, I have not come to love the metal handrails that tend to always accompany split-level entries. You know what I’m talking about. Those handrails that belong outside. Not inside. Alas, it seems every builder in the 70’s just had to have these metal eyesores in the stairways. There…
The Entryway Makeover
Once upon a time, I had an aversion to split foyer homes. They didn’t make sense to me. I hated the layout and overall, I just wasn’t a fan. I refused to ever live in one. Then one day we walked into a split foyer house and I kind of fell in love with all…
Spring Home Tour: Design Ideas for Small Budgets
You guys.
You guys.
No really, you guys.
So much has changed since the last time I did a full home tour.
Especially my living room. And my kitchen.
I’m almost pee-my-pants excited to show you.
And now that I think about the things that have changed in the past two months, I realize I have no clue how it all got done and that I must be insane.
Oh wait, we already knew that.
Even though, I know you’ve already seen the entryway, let’s start there since its still new-ish.
Easy Confetti Accent Wall
Have you been introduced to my new favorite wall?
Its shiny, its gold, its fun, and it was so easy to make.
My favorite thing about it? There’s no way you can screw it up.
Meet my Confetti Accent Wall.
The funnest entryway you ever did see, even if it is mine
I’m not sure that funnest is actually a word. I googled it after saying it over and over in my head a hundred times and still couldn’t get a clear answer as to whether or not it is a word.
I finally just went with my redneck instincts and left it in the title.
Keep in mind, I used to teach middle school Language Arts.
Those poor children.
So I know I didn’t tell you I was doing an entryway makeover.
Here’s the thing.
I hadn’t really planned on doing an entryway makeover.
And then it all just kind of happened.
Story of my life.
Accent Wall: Rich Navy Entryway
Hi, my name is Jenna and I’m an over-analyzer.
The last time I over-analyzed something was just yesterday this morning.
I am easy going on many things. Most of the time, I’m just a “It is what it is” kind of girl.
But then, I start thinking about fabric and paint swatches and should I place this brass golf ball here or maybe here or maybe it needs to be on top of a vintage book…
Sheesh…. it never ends.
Case in point: The new rich navy accent wall in my entryway.