Tile, vanity, hardware, plumbing fixtures. It all adds up and it all adds up fast! These nine bathroom remodel ideas on a budget though will help you save some serious dough! The best part? No compromising on style!
The Circus’ Colorful Bathroom Makeover Reveal
A bathroom makeover full of color and personality.
Primp and Pamper Bathroom Update: Week 3
Another week of the bathroom makeover and another week of me not getting as much done as I’d planned on. 😜 But… We do have fully painted trim and walls and……wallpaper! Wall Trim / Flooring / Wallpaper / Vanity I spent part of Sunday and all of Labor Day hanging wallpaper. I forgot how much of a chore it can be….
Bathroom Primp & Pamper: The Circus’ Bathroom Before Pics and Plans
When we bought the 70’s Landing Pad, we were very much focused on getting it remodeled as quickly as possible and getting in. While waiting to close, I remember having grand design plans for nearly every space in the house, but when we finally closed and as we worked on replacing flooring, gutting bathrooms, etc.,…
How to Cover Damaged Bathroom Walls on a Budget
Looking for a simple and super affordable way to cover damaged bathroom walls left behind by old wall tile? We’ve been there too. We had little budget and lots of damaged wall in one of our bathrooms. Our solution cost us less than $100 – and it looks great!
DIY Bathtub Tray with Book Holder
Need a place to rest your book and your wine glass during bath time? This DIY bathtub tray is the perfect perch for just that! You can make this bath tray with a book holder using basic DIY skills and for about $20. If you read my Caftans and Cocktails post, then you may remember…
Washed Out Stripes Bathroom Accent Wall
This isn’t your typical striped accent wall. Instead of bold, solid stripes, these are toned down, washed out stripes to create a gorgeous blue accent wall. You can easily recreate this look with any colors of your choosing and have your own gorgeous bathroom accent wall in a day’s time. As you guys well know,…
The Guest Bathroom: Peerless Faucet
Switching out the bathroom faucet and shower head in our guest bathroom with Peerless Faucets not only helped to update the look of the space but made cleaning up even easier! This post is sponsored by Peerless, however, all opinions are my own. As you’ve already seen from the guest bathroom makeover reveal, we switched…
Blue and White Bathroom Remodel
I think blue and white is a timeless decorating combination that doesn’t easily date. This blue and white bathroom makeover is full of budget remodeling and decorating ideas for your own bathroom. Three months ago, this bathroom wasn’t even on my makeover radar. I knew it needed to be remodeled (knew it since we bought…
Traditional Nautical Farmhouse Bathroom Renovation
I partnered with Hayneedle on this bathroom project, however all opinions are 100% mine. My grandparent’s bathroom never changed while I was growing up. It always sported the same blue and black wall tile, the wall-mounted sink from the 50’s and a once-white-yellowed with time laundry hamper. The Bathroom Before Above that laundry hamper was…
DIY Wood Panel Wainscoting
One of my favorite things in our recent half-bath remodel are the walls – the glorious black and wood stained paneled walls. Grunt Labor and I came up with this idea when we first started brainstorming ideas for the bathroom and they turned out even better than we thought. If you have never done any…
The Half-Bath Remodel
Hey guys! I missed your (virtual) faces! 😉 I hope you all had a great Christmas and a fantastic start to the New Year! I was sick during most all of the holidays and have had the hardest time kicking whatever I had. After two doctor visits, various over the counter meds, three different prescription…
Delta Champagne Bronze Fixtures in the Master Bathroom
Trying to decide if Delta Champagne Bronze fixtures are right for your home? For our master bathroom remodel, they were the perfect choice! The timeless gold finish adds a modern touch, but will stand the test of time.
Black, Gray and Brass Master Bathroom Remodel
Oh. My. Goodness. I can’t believe I am finally able to write this post. This bathroom seems like it has taken forever to finish. FOR-EV-ER. (Like that kid says in The Sandlot.) As if the bathroom project itself wasn’t hard enough to pin down a design for, this space just so happened to also be the…
Something Will Always Go Wrong: The Hall Bathroom Remodel
Affiliate links may be contained in this post. As if the whole moving in process and everything breaking didn’t prove to you that the remodel at the 70’s Landing Pad was no piece of cake, then this bathroom remodel will. Wait, the master bathroom remodel will as well. So really, both bathroom remodels at the…
Eclectic Home Tours: The 70’s Landing Pad Home Tour, Part 1
I cannot believe I actually just typed that title, y’all. We just moved into the 70’s Landing Pad about three weeks ago. By no stretch is the house completed, but the fact that I can actually share a home tour with y’all that doesn’t include a three inch thick layer of dust on the floors…
Fall Home Tour: Cowboys and Elvis
This fall tour is not at all about pumpkins.
Sorry if you were ready for pumpkins.
Instead its about some of my favorite fall-ish things…cowboy hats and boots…red plaid blankets…and Elvis.
Ok, Elvis isn’t really fall-ish, but its my house and I’ll do what I want to.
If you want pumpkins and leaves and all that jazz, check back in a few weeks when I’ve actually had time to remember where I stored all that decor from last year.
$50 Bathroom Makeover
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.
Sometimes the best room makeovers are the ones that are unplanned.
Totally random, flying by the seat of your pants, out of the blue unplanned.
It happened in my living room.
It started with a black and white gallery wall, which led to a new rug, which led to new curtains.
And suddenly, I finally had a living room I loved.
And now its happened with the bathroom.
But the best part is that this random, little out of the blue makeover cost me just $50.
All that was needed was a little paint, a shower curtain, and some rearranging.
So. As my former students would say, “What had happened was….”
Cane Inspired Accent Wall for $25
Sometimes I try to make things more complicated than they really are.
Not on purpose of course.
I just don’t think sometimes. Its like my mind sometimes turns off its “common sense” mode.
That’s also when I end up saying things I shouldn’t to people.
That common sense mode of my brain shut down when I started to do this accent wall.
You see I love caned pieces. Caned chairs, caned tables, caned light fixtures. I’m crazy over the pattern.
And I have a pillow with a caned pattern on it.
And I was determined to get that pattern on my wall. I knew I could. It was just straight lines strategically placed.
But I was overthinking it.
And it took Grunt Labor coming up to me, turning the pillow diagonally and saying, “Its just squares, Jenna,” for me to figure it out.
He was right.
But I didn’t say that because I’m not too keen on how saying he’s right tastes.
Like vinegar, I tell ya.
And once this revelation was made, I figured out how to make my own cane inspired wall.
Click the link below to read more!
13 Stunning Home Ideas I Found in One Place
Last Wednesday they let me into the Nashville Symphony Show House.
I’m quite certain the powers that be must have never read my blog before to know that this gal is borderline redneck and hadn’t set foot in such a fancy house before – otherwise they may have thought twice before sending my invitation.
I walked out of that house scolding myself for using inappropriate language in front of people who never met me before, but brimming over with DIY and decorating ideas.
I quickly got over the inappropriate language scolding. I feel overall they became better people for having met me.
The ideas though – my head is still spinning. Here’s 14 stunning home ideas that I took away from the Nashville Symphony Show House – and really, there were waaaay more than 14, but I felt I should cut it off somewhere instead of keeping you stuck here reading all day.
9+ Must Read Cleaning Tips
If we’re being honest, and since I’m always honest with you, my house is not clean right now.
Its not clean at all.
May is a whirlwind of events for us and cleaning is not one of those events that tends to take place during the month.
Until there is a mad dash next Friday to clean right before the kid’s birthday party so that our guests don’t turn and run screaming out the door…
I can hear the circus talking to her therapist in ten years, “Everyone showed up for my birthday party that year, but then made a beeline for the door when they saw dust an inch thick and dried crusty milk on the floor. They took all their presents with them. I’ve never been the same since.”
Therapy is going to cost me a fortune.
So next week, to hopefully cut down on therapy costs, these are my best cleaning tips that I will actually do…well at least everywhere that guests will be… 😉
Clean that Disgustingly Gross Shower with One Single Tool
Apparently, I have no shame.
None. At. All.
Because first I showed you just how dusty, dirty, and messy my house was and now I’m showing you just how disgusting Grunt Labor’s shower is was.
To be honest, we had both lost all hope for this shower. Since we moved into the beloved foreclosure, its always been in pretty rough shape. I have scrubbed it with every cleaner and scrub brush known to man and it would remove the surface gunk, but not much else. I thought it was just permanently gross.
I was wrong.
It took one single tool to clean this disgusting shower up.
Free Banana Leaves Watercolor Printables
When the bathroom makeover turned into a bathroom makeover – ya know – when I removed the popcorn ceiling and that turned into a pink ceiling and that turned into needing new wall paint and then it just all turned into a full on makeover?
Well anyway, what I really really really wanted in the space was some of the Beverly Hills Hotel banana leaf / palm wallpaper.
I didn’t want it over all the walls – just like one.
But even that was outta my league – too pricey.
I really wanted to bring some of that green into my bathroom though. Let’s be honest, I love green. We all know this. There are hints of it in the living room and kitchen, and I wanted to keep that going in the bathroom.
So I searched. I searched high and low, far and wide, for some type of banana leaf / palm leaf / whatever art print.
And everything was out of my price range.
‘Cause let’s face it – I’m cheap.
And then one day I was sitting on the couch and thought to myself, “Self, you should just download that Waterlogue app that was all the rage a few months back and make your own art.”
Self responded, “YES.”
So self bought the app – she thinks it was $3 or so.
Then self went outside and took photos of her own banana tree leaves that she scored at the Haven Conference.
And then she ran them through the app.
And she had beautiful banana leaves watercolors that she used in her bathroom and is sharing with you.
DIY Shower Cornice with Black & White Shower Curtains A.K.A. That Time I thought I Could Carve Something
As the Preppy meets Hollywood Regency Bathroom Makeover (that wasn’t supposed to happen) progressed, I had a brilliant idea.
I would make a shower cornice. I had always wanted one, so now was the perfect time.
This would not be just any cornice though.
No, no, no.
It would be a Greek Key Carved Shower Cornice.
I spent hours actually using a ruler and level (instead of eyeballing it) drawing the perfect greek key pattern on my new cornice.
And then I went to carve it out.
Who the hell was I kidding?
After about 15 minutes of trying to follow those lines, I realized it was going to look already looked like sh*t.
Instead of tossing it into the trash though, I flipped the board over and whipped up a little Trash to Treasure Shower Cornice.