In the survey responses, there were a couple of people who asked me how I managed my time and said they would love to see one of the “day in the life” posts. Y’all, everyday is a whole new ballgame around here. I try to plan out my time wisely, but it never fails that when I do that something else hits the fan and I’m dealing with that.
So my new time management theory is to just get as much shit done as I can during the allotted time.
This may mean I only cross one or two things off my ever-growing to-do list. It may mean I cross off four or five things.
It may also mean I throw my hands up in the air, while flipping the bird to no one or nothing in particular but the imaginary “man” who seems to always be against me and my getting work done. If this happens, then most likely nothing gets crossed off the list and I will consider 2pm an acceptable time to drink a beer.
In theory, and I really want to emphasize the theory part, this is how my typical day goes – if it’s a good day and the man is on my side for once. This also just pertains to Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays when the Circus is at preschool. Mondays and Fridays are nothing but straight up survival of the fittest. I usually lose on those days.
5:30 a.m. – 6 a.m.: At some point during this timeframe, I will have hopefully only hit snooze once, maybe twice. Despite my alarms having motivational and inappropriate names, it seems they still don’t stand much of a chance somedays.
My goal every weekday morning is to be watching the coffee pour forth from the Keurig at 6 a.m. and then stumble to my office, coffee cup in hand afterward.
6 a.m. – Whatever time the Circus decides to start her day (usually anywhere from 7:30 – 8:00 a.m.): During this time, I schedule some social media if I have a new post up, check and respond to emails (there’s usually a minimum of 75 new ones to sort through) and if time permits, I edit photos or work on writing new posts. Time usually doesn’t permit that. Sometimes, like this morning with this post, I’m still writing it even though I wanted it to go live at 6 a.m.
Whatever time the Circus Rises – 9:20ish: Hang out with the Circus – A.K.A. be her personal servant by bringing her apple juice and a princess gummy as soon as she situates herself on the couch. Fix her breakfast 30 minutes or so after she wakes up as she does not take her breakfast immediately upon awakening. Most likely, she will hardly touch her breakfast, so I will spend a ridiculous amount of time spoon feeding her and telling her to chew and not just hold it in her mouth. Then, I’ll brush my teeth and wash my face and find sweats to wear that I didn’t wear the previous day so that the preschool teachers won’t judge me too much. Around this time, I’ll remember that I forgot to let Zoe, our dog, out of her dog apartment and feed her. I’ll run around the house – possibly half naked – doing this. After that, I’ll get the Circus ready. She’ll fight me on brushing her teeth and her hair. Right before it’s time to walk out the door, I’ll remember that I still haven’t made her lunch for the day. I’ll go to toss a bag of Funyuns, a jelly sandwich that I constructed in under 15 seconds and a YooHoo into her lunch box and realize I didn’t clean out her lunchbox from last week’s last lunch and the smell that greets me upon unzipping the lunchbox will be nothing short of toxic.
9:45 a.m. – 1:50 p.m.: After I drop the Circus off, I usually head home – unless I haven’t been thrifting in a few days. If I haven’t been thrifting in a few days, then I’ll tell myself I’m only hitting a few, but end up going down a rabbit hole because I tell myself that I really need to be on the lookout for stuff for the 70’s Landing Pad. Two hours later, I will have found nothing except damn napkin rings which I really didn’t need, but wanted and will have essentially wasted two whole hours of precious work time.
If I don’t go thrifting, then I head straight home and work. Depending on what needs to be done for the week (projects, taking photos, editing photos, writing posts, etc.) I will work on that during this nearly 4 1/2 hour block. Usually I’m running back and forth between the garage and my office. I’ll be painting something and while the paint is drying, I’m typing about something or editing photos.
There’s also a good chance during this timeframe that Bill is going to text me and say he needs something to eat, forgot something, etc. and I’ll be running around fixing that situation.
1:50 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.: During this time, I pick up the kid. We go get a slush at Sonic or make a milkshake at home afterward just for the hell of it. We play or watch cartoons until 3:00p.m. At 3 p.m., I make her go to her room. She can watch a movie, but I tell her she has to stay in bed. The idea is that I squeeze in a little more work time, while she takes a much needed nap. However, only half the time does she end up taking a nap. The other half, my words have no bearing on her whatsoever and she ends up frolicking all around the house. If by the grace of God, she naps, then I do computer work like photo-editing, post writing, etc. If the man is against me that day and she refuses to nap, then I try to do a little work in between being a dinosaur or the bad guy, helping her change princess costumes or putting Ken’s head back on for the 108th time that day.
At 5:00 p.m., I usually call it quits and start making dinner. Grunt Labor will usually be home around this time with Bill in tow. After dinner, if there is something work related which is time sensitive and didn’t get done that day, then Grunt Labor will watch the Circus while I work a little more. Right now, we are winding down with basketball season, so for the past few months, we’ve had basketball games at least two nights a week right after dinner. If there’s no ball games and I don’t need to work, then we all chill around the house. The Circus will be in bed by 9 p.m. and Grunt Labor and I will watch a little television after that and then are usually in bed around 10 p.m.
Please note nowhere in that schedule does it mention cleaning. Or washing clothes. Or dishes. My house is rarely clean y’all. Don’t let my pretty pictures fool you for a second, my floors are usually disgusting most days and there’s a protective cover of dust a few inches thick on my furniture. I clean the entire house maybe once a month or prior to visitors. And even then, Grunt Labor usually does the floors. I don’t wash clothes or dishes – Grunt Labor does that. The bed is never made unless Grunt Labor does it. Essentially, we would be living in a pigsty if it weren’t for him.
See, I wasn’t lying. These are un-edited, un-clean and un-styled photos. Real life, y’all. And lord, I know those sheets are hideous, but damn they are so warm and cozy during the winter. And yes, all my art is down from above the bed because I highjacked it for the hall.
My dresser is always cluttered.
There’s a stack of books, some of which I’ve read and some of which I haven’t, a fallen down piece of art behind the green bust and a #BO$$BABE sticker that’s falling off the mirror.
My desk is one hot mess and so am I most days.
Barbies have taken up residence in the vintage radio in the living room and apparently some freakish-head-moving-talking unicorn is their protector.
There is rarely a pretty “styled” surface around here.
For example, the Circus felt the dog holding a (broken) picture frame was better suited wearing Snow White baby’s bow and residing in the living room next to scratch-off lottery tickets that I’m not sure are worth anything or not or how they came to be there.
I don’t do it all.
I don’t do it all every single day.
But I do the best I can everyday and that’s good enough.
Shirley says
I remember pre school mornings thinking I had so much time & was going to get SO much done. Pre school hours are only 30 mins long I swear !
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
YES!! They are half the regular time – you are so right!!
Chelsea says
Preach!!! My days are pretty similar. The school morning chaos and leftover lunch box stench particularly resonates! The man can’t keep you down!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Yay!! Someone else is often greeted by smelly lunch boxes!
Anne Coles says
I’m with you. Boring people have clean homes. It happens here once in a while but I’m with you on unmade beds. As I’m retired now, when I see my unmade bed, it’s an invitation to return! Enjoy youay! Anne
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
You’re right, Anne!! I think it’s an invitation to get back in bed too!! haha!
Lindsay Eidahl says
Great post! This is how is really is most days! Love to hear it is the “norm” for most people! Thanks for sharing!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Totally the norm around here, Lindsay!
Nancy Ruby says
I once had a pattern for a cross stitch that said “When it hits the fan, it doesn’t distribute evenly.” Of course, I never had/took the time to do it.
Thrift shopping is my therapy; I do both NSNH stores every week. My most recent best buy was what appeared to be a new Cuisinart food processor for $7; on Amazon it was about $120! I very seldom shop retail.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Girl, that cross-stich would have been awesome!!! It’s true – it doesn’t distribute evenly! haha!
Hope Williams says
Oh my friend how well I know this life! I live it daily and I don’t have a circus running around! Dust I have in abundance and I’m not afraid to share photos either! Fur….I have 3 furbabies and only one sheds uncontrollably! I vac 2-3 times a week if I’m up to it! Now enter 2, TWO home renovations going at one time! Seriously the truth! When I seem to disappear from sight, means nothing more than I feel good and am in full throttle mode to get as much done as I possibly can as it will come to a screeching halt shortly! Oh did I mention that I have an autoimmune disease? No, I have lymphocytic colitis. It mimics Chrons disease in most ways. But needless to say, when it’s acting out, I spend my days in the bathroom and attempting to stay hydrated. Which usually leaves me at the infusion center getting fluids sand playing on the Internet. So, my hubby does most of the daily stuff too and with ZERO complaining! Seriously this is why I still have no countertops after two years. He has no extra time. So I cut him major slack as countertops seem so unimportant most of the time. That’s why they have restaurants! I feel your pain and do not beat yourself up. It’s so not worth it at the end of the day! Family, friends, life, which is so short, are what really matters at the end of the day! Stop fighting it and just go with the flow everyday. You would be so surprised how much more you are able to do. And the list, CHUCK IT ! You don’t need the constant baggage in your shoulders reminding you of how inadequate you feel! Mental notes are sufficient! When I got sick, a very smart person taught me that and it helped me accept that I was sick, it was not going away, and the only thing it really meant was that life is ever changing. All I have to do is participate AND adjust my attitude so I adjust my plans accordingly. It’s amazing how I quit beating myself up over crap that really didn’t matter in 10 minutes anyway freaking way! Take the lesson from someone who’s already learned it. Re-freaking-LAX!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Hope, you are just amazing! I couldn’t agree more with everything you said – in the long run cleaning and countertops aren’t important! 🙂 I hate that you have the autoimmune disease – I didn’t know that. I hope it stays at bay as much as possible. You’re husband sounds great – a lot like my Grunt Labor!
Julie says
I smile and thank you for being so honest. Will focus on you for your many “titles” i.e. mom, wife, sister, blog writer, friend, neighbor…. you get the picture. The days have changed from having a pristine house and who for anyway? My early years of marriage I always went through this Saturday morning cleaning routine while hubby was out enjoying himself doing whatever. After seven years of marriage, I asked myself WHY was I continuing to do this routine? Because the ‘tape’ of growing up was going through my head. And one day the tape stopped. There are certain areas of the house that are religiously cleaned i.e. bathroom/kitchen. After that the rooms are presentable, as much as possible, and the dusting occurs when the inlaws are coming for Easter and Thanksgiving! And that will depend if there are other things going on so it might not even happen….yet who cares? =) One day at a time Jenna! The kids don’t care if the house is cleaned, and yet will remember, hopefully, the time you spent with them for the memories made.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
So I’ll tell you a secret. When I took off for three months maternity leave after I had the kid, I pretty much kept the house pristine during that timeframe. I always had dinner cooked on time, the house cleaned, did the laundry, everything was spic n’ span. I was totally trying to manipulate the hubs into thinking how great it would be if I were to stay at home with the kid. It worked like a charm. hahaha. As soon as I actually quit teaching, I never had the house looking that good again. I’m such a bad person!! All the cleaning totally isn’t worth it though!!!! Can you come clean my bathrooms though? I think they need it! haha!
Marti says
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Marti!
susan says
Love it! So glad you and your life are so real and like the rest of us!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Totally real, in fact probably much less cool than real. haha!
Maggie5 says
I SWOON! Amen honey, Amen.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Amen, sister!
Jennifer says
LOL sounds about right!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Story of my life! 😉
Marcia Banach says
Thank God! It always seems like I have to “choose” between doing projects and other stuff I love to do, or chores and cleaning. I usually choose projects until even I can’t stand the messiness and start cleaning…
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Preach, sister! Right there with ya! 😉
Kim says
This post reminds me of a quote I once read: Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle…Jon Acuff
No matter how hard we try though, we are always comparing ourselves to something or someone else because we can’t help but think things must be better somewhere else. Thanks for raising the shades on your windows and allowing us a true peak inside the “real.” If we all “raised the shades” more often, then maybe there wouldn’t be as much comparing going on.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I could not agree more, Kim!!! Comparison can really bring a person down. I think we should all be aware that everything isn’t always as it seems with the person sitting next to you!
Tammy (Pa.) says
I’m sure most bloggers houses are like that.. hell everyone’s house for that matter..!!
Love your blog..!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
hahaha!!! I hope so, Tammy!
kimberly says
This post is awesome, as all your posts are. Can I still count as “good enough” if I confess I just took down my Christmas tree. Shhhhh I actually feel shame over this, cause it is the end of February. Well actually I’m conflicted between feeling shame cause it’s the end of February and feeling proud of my self that it didn’t take me until March cause it was heading that way. It’s not so bad if you think it is a fake tree, but it was the real one that petrified in my entryway like a ghost of Christmas Past. Which in fact, it was essentially. I did remove the ornaments two weeks ago, the few our new kitten (from hell) hadn’t already broken and or knocked under the sofa, but then I lost motivation again. Somehow re-watching every episode of Friends, stocking up on Valentine’s Day stuff at 90 percent off from Target and avoiding adulting as a whole is more where my priorities lay. 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
You’re my kind of girl, Kimberly! I am so that way with decorations! Just yesterday, I came through the front door and noticed the Valentine’s wreath was still up. I looked at it, thought about taking it down and decided nah, it can wait. Seriously, it would have taken all of one minute to take it down and put it away, but I was too lazy. hahaha!! Keep rocking the extended holiday decorating!
Regina says
Oh my this is the best!!! Brought back so many memories of when our four kids were young. Now will be going back that way with grandkids! You make my day with your blog!!! Keep it up girl!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Regina! You make my day by sticking around! 🙂
Cheryl says
I’ve found that housework will always wait for you, so make family and life the priority. We will never recall that one day of making the bed or how enjoyable doing the dishes was, unless something dramatic or funny happened at the same time. House cleaning doesn’t make the memories.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Preach it, Cheryl!
Donna L. says
I love that you’re keeping it real! And yes…preschool is a sanity saver here too!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Could not live without preschool!!! haha!
Megan says
Thanks for being so real!!! I don’t know how some full time bloggers do it… I’m a full time teacher, have two kids, four pets, and a husband who also teaches and coaches plus plays rugby. He’s gone 2 nights of the week al,oust every week and that’s when he’s not coaching. Plus the duties for my teaching which isn’t much but the random dance or taking photos for the yearbook. And then my kids activities, which luckily isn’t much right now. And then, cleaning, cooking and dinner. In my perfect world, I would cook every night and someone else would clean but the mr hasn’t caught onto that (never mind that we’ve been together for 13 years…). Love the real photos. I’m glad I’m not the only one with toys as decor!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Megan, my hat is off to you!! I have NO idea how you do it sister! You totally deserve an award!
Sandra P says
Ha! Loved this post! I read several blog but I most look forward to yours. I really like your ideas (that’s why I look at blogs) but to top it off you make me laugh. Thank’s for keeping it real and making feel more adequate as a mom 😉
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Sandra, there is no doubt in my mind you are a stellar mom! Thanks for sticking around for this crazy!
Jessica says
LOVE THIS! I am so happy that I am not the only one….My house is mostly a hot mess especially with 3 kids. Your nightstand looks just like mine. Haha. I have been wondering for a while how big bloggers deal with other stuff besides blogging and now I know…we really do not. lol! I recently told the mister that blogging is my job and I should not be ATTEMPTING to clean the house on the daily…I try, but I get side tracked with work.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I NEVER get it all done, Jessica! It’s constant flying by the seat of my pants around here! haha!
Patty says
I think it is more difficult when you you don’t have to punch a time clock because when you punch that time clock you have a set schedule and it is easier to organize your time for grocery shopping, laundry, kids and so on. I’m the type of person that could never do what you do because I’m not a self starter, in fact I’m probably the biggest procrastinator in the world. You would think now that I’m retired my house would be spotless, not so, I always say I will do it later, then it is scrunch time (Thursday)and the hubs is coming home on Fri. so I crank up the music and tackle it like a mad woman.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I do that with some things, Patty. Things that aren’t super important. I just put them off and put them off and then BAM, it’s gotta be done ASAP!! I have actually heard of some bloggers renting actual office space because they say it makes them more productive and forces them to have set office hours. The idea is intriguing, but not in the budget and honestly, I would probably end up bringing my laptop home with me everyday anyway.
Melanie says
ohmygosh!!!! I needed this one for sure. We just took our Christmas tree down, I debated leaving it and just putting different colored decorations for each holiday….just to not have to take it upstairs. It’s down, but in the corner of the room, haha. I have a boy circus and an 8 year-old ms. thang. They are gross. My house is gross, the car is gross. The only thing I missed in your pictures was underwear in the floor and one milllliiiiion Fruit Loops everywhere. Am I right, y’all? Wait, maybe you store your food in the couch cushions, like us, ha!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Dude, everything here is gross too. The couch cushions – oh my word. It’s disgusting!!! hahaha!! Really, we don’t stand a chance with kiddos!
DazzleWhileFrazzled says
Funny! I often tell my kids (I have three of them) that I’m just doing the best I can and I’m just one person, for gawd’s sake. It’s not easy but you’re doing good. Visiting from Monday Funday.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
That’s right – we just gotta do the best we can!
Emily says
Loved reading every moment of that… I was busy typing in the gym while my teen was at basketball practice, and another mother asked me how I could work during the practice. I said it was the most peace and quiet I had had all day!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Emily, I know exactly what you mean!!!!! We take each second of work time we can get and be grateful! Flying by the seat of our pants is the norm!