Every time I go to pull out my nice china, I kick myself.
Because its not there.
It never was.
I have my great grandmother’s floral patterned china which is perfect for Easter, but no wedding china of my own.
That is the number one item I wish we’d registered for.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Target. However, all opinions and registry regrets are 100% mine. This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.
Also, I did not intentionally make it wedding week around here. It just kind of happened that way. So yes, while the legality of my marriage is in question, these are all items I wish we would have registered for. I mean did we really need that rug I was over in less than six months? No. We needed this stuff.
#1: China / China Storage
I’ve already said my biggest regret is not registering for china. Everyday I wish I had registered for a classic pattern that I could use during holidays. I’m also a sappy person and wish I had that to pass on to the kid one day. My luck, she probably wouldn’t give a crap about it. I also wish I would have registered for this fab china storage.
It would have been perfect for housing my great-grandmother’s china.
#2: Nice Sheets
Friends, please do yourself a favor. Every year invest in a new pair of nice sheets for yourself.
The investment is so worth it. Grunt Labor and I decided last year that our anniversary present to each other must include a new set of nice sheets.
#3: Good Pots & Pans
Luckily when Grunt Labor and I got together, his mom, Mama, had hooked him up with great pots and pans.
We are still using those and they are still doing pretty great. This is one of those investments that will pay off! Our set is similar to this one and we love them.
#4: A Good Camera
There is simply no substitute for a good camera. Your phone simply will not take as good of pictures and neither will a point and shoot.
Less than six months into my marriage, I was ready for a better camera. We didn’t have enough money for one until right before the kid was born. I have the Canon Rebel and love it.
#5: A Good Coffeemaker
When Grunt Labor and I got married, I was still carting around the Gevalia coffeemaker I had gotten for “free” when filling out a postcard. Needless to say, it was temperamental.
I bought another cheap one that didn’t last very long, but two Christmas’ ago, I finally asked for a new one. I got not one, but two new coffeemakers – A Keurig and a Cusinart. Both are fab.
#6: Pyrex Storage Set
This is another thing no kitchen should be without – a good set of Pyrex Glass Storage.
I use these almost daily.
#7: Nice Towels
Just like good sheets, everyone deserves nice, big, fluffy towels.
Of course, I am partial to this green color. Imagine that. However, I am a fan of white towels as well. Bleach those bad boys as needed and they are stain free.
#8: Pretty Flatware
This one kind of goes along with the china – I wish we had a bit more formal flatware to use on special occasions.
I love this gold set from Target. I’m sure its not meant to be a family heirloom, but it would fancy up a table quickly.
#9: Baskets
Simply put, a person can never have too many baskets.
Not only are they decorative, but I love big baskets like the ones above to put extra blankets in and store away essential items that aren’t so pretty. Yes, I like big baskets and I cannot lie.
Is there anything you wish you had registered for?
What’s your biggest registry regret?
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cindy says
I too wished we registered for fine china. We opted for nice Portmerion stoneware, but I really wish we had NICE china too.
Brianne A says
I wish I had registered for china too 🙁 I did end up with a nice Christmas dinnerware set but we’ve been married 5 years and they’ve yet to come out of the box… Maybe this year since we have a house.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Yep, I know what ya mean Brianne! Those are nice, but you can only use them that one time of the year!
Lisa Brown says
I regret not getting a slow cooker
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Yes! Gotta have one of those!
Glorymar says
wow… I am planning my wedding and I think I would love a nice China and I think I would regret if I forget it!! I think it’s super nice for special occasions… specially the anniversary … if I make dinner instead of going out, to take out our wedding china!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Yes!! Please please please be sure to register for it!
Jeannee Taylor says
after 20 years of marriage and having received “good china and sterling flatware, expensive crystal glass set”, non of which has hardly ever been used, I would opt for more useful things such as a shop van as listed below but I love the one who asked for a really great BBQ grill !
Jeannee Taylor says
that is SHOP VAC. sorry
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
haha! I totally understand, Jeannee!
Emily says
I wish we had registered for more good knives and knife sharpener!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Totally agree on that one as well, Emily!
Wendy says
Yes! You can get away with your kitchen lacking almost anything else. We didn’t get any and a couple years later when my husband was in law school we ended up using the rewards points you get from using one of the legal research company’s software to get a good set. We still use them!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
That’s great, Wendy!
Megan CC says
I wish I would have registered for a good coffee maker too! We are still holding on to our “free” Gevalia one that I got about a year before we got married, so it’s held up for almost 5 years. But seriously, time for a new one.
Fara says
Not being more courageous! I am a pretty conservative shopper, *and* I hate asking for things, so I didn’t really have much on my registries. Thankfully, my friends and family knew better!
Alina says
A nice bbq grill.
Sean C says
Most definitely some good knives. The ones we currently own are horrible.
KWolff says
I wish that I had not registered for “fancy glasses”. I love them, they are beautiful but I am a nervous wreck when I bring them out. I am getting better about accepting that they are “just things” but still…
I did register for (and received) a full set of blue willow china. While they are not the fanciest china, my family knows that when they are brought out something special is going on. I am much more relaxed with them because I know I can replace them.
Karen J says
I regret not getting a really nice quality set of every day flatware. These can be quite expensive but a good set lasts forever and can be added to.
Stephanie C. says
I wish we would have registered for nicer kitchen utensils, instead of just keeping the random mash-up of mixing spoons and spatulas we have now.
Suzanne says
No regrets. I didn’t have a registry. Of course I had a destination wedding so I was happy enough if anyone came.
Heidi B says
I wish we would have registered for a good set of knives. 13 years later and we haven’t been able to afford one.
Elizabeth Rose says
I totally agree with the good set of sheets and white towels!!
Lindsay says
I have my registry all planned – China picked out, flatware picked, crystal, silver…
Now I just need, you know, the groom…
Justynn @ Creative Life Antics says
Not Married, or engaged. But Definitely planning on registering for some upgrades to my cooking gear. I have a bunch of second hand stuff now, and it’s temperamental at times. Also great sheets and towels.
the cape on the corner says
a crockpot! i flippin’ love that thing, but thought the old one we had was fine.
HS says
I should have registered for some more simply design dinnerware instead of fancy ones.
Margo says
Nothing better than soft, white, GOOD, sheets!
Beth says
I registered for China when I got married. It has only come out a few times since, at the holidays, and do not regret having registered for it ever! There is something to be said for traditions and if laying out this nice chine a couple of times a year says anything, it says Tradition!
Sandi P says
I wish I’d had a registry, didn’t for either wedding (last one 37 years ago). I definitely agree on the china and flatware, sheets and towels. I bought myself a set of Corelle dishes and they are the best for everyday and replace-ability. I love the idea of new sheets each anniversary too.
Crystal B. says
Good cookware set and glass storage dishes are a must!
Jeannee Taylor says
Keep trying to enter Target $25.00 giveaway but when I log in it say’s that I put in my “registry regret” (which I have not). and will not let me do anything else.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Jeannee, did you hit the “I commented” button under the registry regret? If you did, then you are good to go!
Rachel R. says
I’m not married yet, but one “must haves” that will be on my registry is a Kitchenaid mixer.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Yes, Rachel!! I actually had one of those when Grunt Labor and I got together – by far one of the best things ever!
Lynn says
Good sheets are awesome! Worth the money.
Jeannee Taylor says
I would register for a shop vac ! I registered for good china and never use them.
chris aka monkey says
crap it’s been so long i don’t remember but i haven’t ever own a good set of china either and think it would be loverly…… jenna i can see a solution to both the legality prob (i think you are legally married) and your registry problem have another wedding and i am serious…you could renew your vows and make sure you are legal and register for great gifts too xx
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Ya know, Chris that would totally fix both problems! haha!
Shannon says
China…..we too skipped it and were lucky enough to inherit by granny’s china……but I certainly wish I had a set I had picked as well.
Jeannee Taylor says
A nice table saw would have come in handy and lasted for years !
Sandy A says
I do wish I had a pretty set of flatware, and a set of beautiful china for special occasions…
Dawn Kaestner says
Special occasion dishes!
Linda says
Its been a long time since I got married and, with a second marriage there isn’t usually much you need. However, I would have to agree with the nice new sheets. All our sheets were old and it was awhile before I started buying new sheets for us. I so enjoy a new set of soft sheets, hung out on the line to dry and smell very fresh. The softness and the smell just pull you right into sleep!
April says
It’s funny you say that, because our China is the one thing I wish I hadn’t registered for. We never, ever use it and we probably never will. All of our family live at least a few states away or clear across the country, so we never host special occasions. We don’t *plan* on having any kids, so no one to pass it on to. It’s not even “fine china,” it’s “casual dinnerware” by Lenox, but I liked the pattern more than any of the others so that’s the one I chose. My mother in law convinced me to register for it even though I wasn’t really interested, and then pretty much the whole in-law family decided to go in on getting us China and flatware to go with it. Sigh. It’s gorgeous, but we just don’t use it.
So about 80% of our gifts consisted of China, and probably only 10% of anything else on our registry.
BUT, I did get a few Target gift cards and I got a set of pots & pans that are doing well and a really nice trash can for the kitchen that was expensive, so at least I have those!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I’ve heard other people say this too, April!!! You could always sell it – thats what I did with the china from my first marriage…haha
Lisa Cooper says
I regret registering for fine china. I don’t have a need for anything formal and it sits in the cabinet, taking up space.
Shelley Otto says
Wish I would have registered for a nice set of knives. The $1.00 paring knives are just not ‘cutting’ ivy anymore.
carol clark says
i regret not getting a slow cooker myself
Terrie says
Good china. I have never had good china. The one thing I did get that I used for almost 25 years was an enameled slow cooker. Broke my heart when it quit working.
Crystal C. says
China is nice to have but I couldn’t see myself using it, I’d be too worried about it breaking….
Shan Laux says
I second the sheets and the towels and the pyrex. Flatware would be awesome too. Camera-Genius. One thing I would suggest, tools. They cost so much and usually you’re getting hitched, buying a house, and then possibly a baby carriage…totally need tools! 🙂 That’s just my opinion. My baby sis is getting married so I’ll send her your way to check out your 9 things! 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Tools are a great idea, Shan!!
Patty says
I didn’t marry until I was 23, back then in this area I was practically an old made. I was living on my own and started buying things I knew I wanted married or single. When I was 19 I bought a $300.00 set of stainless steel cook ware and 48 yrs. later it is just as good now as when I bought it. I bought my own china and my everyday china, I bought a good set of stainless flatware, that I still have today and use daily. It pays to by the best you can get for your money. My whole family thought I was nuts paying that much for pots and pans 300 bucks in 1966 was a lot of money and I’m sure my sis has paid out more than that on lots of cheep sets. The one thing I wish I had registered for would be table cloths, place mats and napkins, napkins, napkins.
Donna says
A really good set of knives! Still don’t have one and it is very irritating when I can’t even slice thru a loaf of bread because I have a cheeeeeeeeeeeeeapo bread knife from the grocery store.
Julie Spear says
I am with you sister, on these!!! I still have a couple of the sheets left from our wedding gifts, and let’s just say that I am no longer married (~sniff~) and my oldest son who I was 3 months pregnant with at the wedding (OOPS!) turns 30 next year (~double sniff~). Those were REALLY good sheets – I don’t think they make them like that anymore! And the towels – defintely register for GOOD towels!!
p.s. I promise the engagement/wedding planning started way MORE than 3 months before the wedding! I never would have purposely planned a 100% sober reception & honeymoon, but whatchagonnado?
Diane @ Vintage Zest says
Not putting enough of a certain item, and it then it’s too late to find a match!
Diane Westbrook says
Hi….I did not register for china or silver or crystal and regretted it, so many years later, I searched and found a vintage pattern that I loved in china and began buying it one or two or three pieces at a time….now I have 12 place settings and I love it. I did the same with silver. I bought lovely crystal a few pieces at a time when it was on sale. Sad story….one Easter, two of the family dogs were under the table and got upset about something…perhaps one of them found a scrap! moved the table and three of the crystal goblets went flying. I hesitate to bring them out now. However, I love it all and would register for it given a chance!!
Kathleen says
Back when I got married oh so many years ago registries weren’t really that big and I didn’t do one. I think after so many years of married life we should hve updated bridal showers and register for new and improved must haves. 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Kathleen, I think that is a fabulous idea!
Kari C says
We have 1 nice set of sheets, but it would just be great to have another set in reserve!
Erin P says
Nicw Coffee maker! Thanks for the opportunity!
Kristin says
Good sheets and towels.
Jamie Lynn says
As soon as I read the first “I like good baskets” line my mind went “…and I cannot lie!” HA!! Good sheets and bath towels are soooo important!! They can make or break your day!! Love that flatware too – very pretty!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
haha!! I will try to work music into anything I write!
Teddie says
I wish I had registered for a set of crystal wine glasses. Drinking even inexpensive wine out of crystal glasses makes it seem like a celebration.
Emily Smith says
I regret not registering for anything for my kitchen.
pam clark says
Sending this to my friend who’s getting married in June.
Pam Ballard says
Sheets is one of those things I have a hard time buying. Thanks for the giveaway.
Glenda Beckham says
A kitchen Aid Stand Mixer and a nice food processor.
Michelle Vincent says
I wish I would have registered for a good set of pots. I had nothing to cook with after I got married. Also a camera!
Linda Thomson says
Personally, I think after 44 years of marriage I deserve another “wedding” shower! I could use everything on the list except the china and silverware.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I agree, Linda!
Nancy H says
Good sheets and towels….
Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG says
I had the china but rarely used it because the gold edges did not allow it to be put in the dishwasher and I was too lazy to handwash it all the time…My daughter is now 24 and about to embark on a new home with her boyfriend…I asked her if she wanted it – to which she laughed out loud and proclaimed…”Ummm, no” – so I wouldn’t worry about having good china
Jenn says
Thank you for this great list! I am getting married in a year and will be pinning this as a reminder 🙂
Liz says
Good wine glasses.
Sherri Howell says
We eloped 25 years ago. I didn’t register for anything, now that is sad :-(. Like I said, it was 25 years ago and no regrets.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
That is sad, Sherri! I think you need to register now!!
veronica says
I agree with you about registering for really great pots and pans. You will use them every single day!
Bonnie says
I only ever had a justice of the peace wedding; although I had wanted something more formal, it just didn’t work out. If I were to register, it would also be for formal dinner ware. I recently purchased from target two of the correlle sets in a square white shape that is so pretty and unique but would love to have something for the holidays.
Stephanie, Sandpaper and Glue says
I didn’t have a registry at all, so that might be the first thing. But I would have really loved a KitchenAid Mixer!! 🙂
Susan M. says
I so regret no registering for high quality sheets; you know, the ones that it takes eight of your friends going in together to be able to afford?
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Girl, I totally know what you’re talking about!
Katie Reeves says
I have not registered yet, but these are great ideas! Thank you
heather says
I regret not registering for fine china and bedding.
Emily @ Two Purple Couches says
I also wish we’d registered for fine china, or at least for a full set of nice plain white porcelain dinnerware. Our current dinnerware is very colorful, but all the wrong colors for our kitchen. And even though I’m glad to know someday I’ll inherit a set of family heirloom china from my mom, it’s really not my style! But at least it’s got a story behind it 😉
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I’ve been saying the same thing about the plain white dinnerware, Emily!! And we are in the same boat – our Fiestaware is very colorful – but doesn’t fit in with a thing in our house!!!
Kenny Hall says
I wish I would of registered for a really nice vacuum since I use mine daily!
Susan DeVaux says
I regret not registering for a Kitchenaid mixer
Denise konkel says
We should of registered for an espresso maker
Charisse says
I definitely think the camera is a great idea! It’s something you will definitely use & be thankful for years down the road.
Kim says
We had a shotgun wedding so I had no registry. I absolutely regret that! Even more so, a Kitchen Aid mixer would have been at the top of the list. 3 years later, I still don’t have one