Unintentionally, camels became the theme of my holiday home tour this year. I didn’t mean for it to happen. It just did. I looked around my living and dining room after all the decorations were up and realized I had multiple camels varying in heights of nine inches to two feet looking back at me….
home tour
A Colorful Christmas Home Tour
Yesterday, I shared a home tour of our farmhouse all decked out with its Christmas decor. Today, I’ve got a holiday home tour of the 70’s Landing Pad and it’s pretty different from the farmhouse… While both are filled with decorations full of memories and many vintage, this one is quite a bit more colorful….
Fall at the Farmhouse
Affiliate links may be included in this post. Hey, ya’ll! Today, I’m sharing my fall home tour with five other bloggers in this year’s Fall Home Tours hosted by Marty from A Stroll Thru Life. If you’re popping over from 11 Magnolia Lane or another stop on the tour or from anywhere else, welcome! I’m…
Decorating with Memories and Vintage Finds
If it wasn’t already apparent from round one of my Christmas home tour and my Christmas tree, I’m declaring this year’s Christmas theme as decorating with memories.
And also random items such as an Elvis bust.
Oh, and vintage things too – because vintage Christmas decor makes my heart go pitter patter.
These theme(s) have always been at the heart of my holiday decor, but this year I’m on a mission to get everyone to embrace their own holiday decor rooted in memories and good times – because that’s what Christmas is about.
So here’s part two of my Christmas tour – our living room – in all its (random) glory.
Click the link below to read the rest…
Decorate with Memories…and Random Stuff
If you didn’t already figure it out from the post about my Christmas tree, we don’t do trendy Christmas decor around here.
In fact, some might consider some of our holiday decor tacky.
And I don’t know that I wouldn’t disagree with them – but that doesn’t mean I will part with my multi-colored-plastic-melted-together-christmas-tree. It was my Grannie’s – and I’m a bit of a sentimentalist…and a hoarder too.
So if you are following along on this Blogger Stylin’ Home Tours series and popping over from The White Buffalo Styling Co. or Craftberry Bush, welcome – I hope I’m not too much of a disappointment to you. I’m a bit of a different kind of holiday home tour – around here, we decorate with memories during Christmastime.
And also completely random items that aren’t meant to be Christmas decor.
Welcome to the freak show.
Click the link below to read more…
Red, Green and Navy Christmas Home Tour: Part Two
After telling you lies in round one of my Christmas home tour yesterday, I thought today I would tell you a story.
If you are a regular here, you know I love stories and have lots of them. If you are new here and hopping over from Lindsay’s place (she’s the brainchild behind Blogger Stylin’ Home Tours), The White Buffalo Styling Co., or from Just a Girl, welcome. I hope you like stories too. Be sure to visit everyone else in the Christmas home tours at the end of this post!
Every Christmas, when its time to wrap gifts, I go downstairs.
Where it’s quiet.
And I pull out the wrapping paper, the tape, scissors, gift tags and ribbon.
I don’t want to have to get up for anything.
Red, Green, and Navy Christmas Home Tour Part 1
This is the post when I’m supposed to lie to you.
When I don’t tell you that I went with red, green, and navy Christmas decorations because they worked so well with the decor in the rest of my house.
When I’m supposed to act like I really cozy up in the adirondack chair outside….
When its 30 degrees out.