Welcome, friends!
Let me give you a glimpse of my everyday life.
I wake up around 6:30 a.m., have a cup of coffee, count my blessings, write posts, edit photos, etc. until the kid wakes up, with any luck at least an hour and a half later.
Then God gets a cup of coffee and gets ready for his daily entertainment of the three ring circus that is about to begin at my house.
For the next 4-6 hours, I try to keep the kid from falling down stairs, jumping off the couch & breaking a limb, booty dancing on the coffee table, climbing on the dining room table & swinging from the chandelier, eating questionable items, pestering the dog, laying on the dog bed, coloring on the walls, playing in the toilet, pouring her milk on the floor, pulling heavy objects on top of herself and somewhere in between it all, I try to make sure she actually eats more than a strawberry for breakfast and a chicken nugget for lunch.
Besides enjoying the circus, I hope God is listening to my prayers for patience throughout the day.
If I’m lucky, at some point she will take a 1 1/2 – 2 hour nap.
If I’m lucky.
And during that time, I do some more post writing, pay bills, take more photos, edit more photos, etc.
And I do it all very quietly in hopes she will sleep longer.
But she never does.
Because evidently, God really likes the circus.
And when she wakes up, I crack open a cheap beer and turn on Mickey Mouse because I need a break in order to maintain the little mental stability I had to begin with.
Sure, there are those two days a week that she goes to preschool for 4 1/2 hours. And during that time, I am painting beds, re-upholstering chairs, and turning trash into treasure.
And now, I’m supposed to decorate for Christmas on top of it all.
And I love Christmas. I told you all about how much I love gift giving.
Can my gift be a personal assistant?
Pretty please, Santa? Grunt Labor? Dad? Anyone?
Please don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade my little circus for anything. I mean, I totally understand her. She is 100% her mama’s child, God bless it.
So, over here, this girl is all about quick and simple holiday decorating.
My quick and simple holiday decorating tips:
Throw some ornaments, make it rain.
My favorite Christmas decorating items are ball ornaments. Preferably vintage ones, but I will take any. Anytime I see them at Goodwill, on clearance, or in an antique store for a good price, I buy them.
So, throw some of those bad boys everywhere.
In bowls. On Goodwill trays. Hang them from chandeliers. Unless you have a circus that likes to hang from chandeliers, then you shouldn’t do that.
Use Wrapped Gifts as Decor
The other day, I was talking with Mama and she was saying how she read in a magazine about using gifts as decor.
It was like angels started singing.
Duh. You have to wrap presents. We usually try to make them pretty. Why do they have to stay under the tree? Spread those bad boys around the house.
I even used mine as my dining room table centerpiece this year.This is also fabulous for keeping them out of reach of the little circus. Until the little circus climbs on the table. And on a side note, I will show you how I made those gift tags on Monday!
Oh, and don’t let me fool you for a minute. The gifts you see on my table are the same gifts you saw in the entryway. As if I have had time to wrap all the presents yet.
Personal assistant??
Anyone? Anyone?
Tinsel is My Friend
As you will see more of next week in part 2 of my home tour, I love tinsel.
I drape it around wall decor, use it as a filler in bowls and lay it out anywhere a little more bling is needed. There are some fab tinsel ideas here.
I think tinsel has a way of making it feel more like a party, instead of holiday decorations.
And I like that.
Curly Gold Ribbon Makes Everything Better
Go buy a roll of gold, or another color of your preference, curling ribbon. Cut pieces off and throw it on the ornaments that you rained all over the house. Instant glam.
Where Ornaments Won’t Go, Use Greenery
Not enough ornaments? Or they won’t fit in your containers? Fill them with live greenery!
I have an evergreen tree that I take clippings from, but Lowe’s (and maybe HomeDepot?) gives away their greenery clippings from Christmas trees.
If I can, I love to pop a few ornaments on top of the greenery – I can’t get enough of that contrast.
Wreaths aren’t just for doors
As you may have picked up on now, I am a wreath lovin’ fool.
I love to put my vintage elf wreath over the mirror in my entryway. I just use ribbon and a thumbtack.
And my paint stick evergreen wreaths graced my liquor cabinet this year.
Be sure to come back next Tuesday to see the rest of my Christmas tour.
Ya know, like the tree. Cause that is supposed to be the biggest holiday decoration, right?
There is lots more in store for you next Tuesday.
I have to go catch the circus now.
Need more easy Christmas decorating ideas? Be sure to see these simple and affordable Christmas decoration ideas then!
Like what you see?
Chelsea says
Ah, Jenna! I love it! So cheerful and chic, every detail is lovely
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Chelsea!
Selene Galindo says
Love your Christmas decor! Easy is right up my alley too!
And thanks for the laugh! You gave me a visual of your days and it’s quite amusing 😉
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Selene! Its the truth! Things are crazy around here!
Laura @ The Turquoise Home says
It’s perfect, Jenna! Just the right amount of Christmas thrown all around. Love the vintage balls. 🙂 And I can relate to everything else you said, too. I’ll be asking for an assistant {and housekeeper} for Christmas.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Here’s hoping we all get assistants, Laura! Thanks!
tricia@littlecottageonthepond says
I love all of the black and gold! So beautiful and sparkly!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Tricia! Me too! Black and gold is a fave!
Bre (Average But Inspired) says
OMG you are hilarious! This is the best post I’ve read in a while. Beautiful photos and decorations – well done! Looking forward to seeing more.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Aww, thanks so much, Bre! I always try to leave ya laughing or crying or thinking or something that means something! haha!
Krista @ the happy housie says
The ribbons and ornaments are so pretty Jenna- a classic! I love the simple ideas… and your vintage ornaments and books add so much character. I haven’t wrapped one gift yet… or actually made or bought any. Hmmm…guess I could use an assistant too:)
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Krista – I think every blogger should have an assistant! I don’t know how some people do it!
Shayna @ The Wood Grain Cottage says
Love all your pops of color! Thank you for the tour! 😀
Merry Christmas!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Shayna! Merry Christmas to you too!
Jen @ Migonis Home says
Thank you so much for sharing, Jenna! I just love the piles of ornaments!!! So festive!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Jen!
Denise says
Jenna…great tour! And I love your humor as you take us through it. Really…between you and Lauren at the Thinking Closet…I aspire to be you guys! 🙂 Anyway! Look forward to seeing the tree.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Denise – to be compared to Lauren just made my day! I love her! And her writing is amazing! thanks!
Leslie says
I subscribe to a log of blogs and yours is one of my favorites…you’re so sensible! Anyway, I love the deer. Do you have any idea where I could get some?
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, thank you, Leslie! Those deer were a gift from a friend. If I were you, I would look on Etsy!
Elizabeth @ Real Inspired says
Haha I was cracking up reading this! Totally sounds like my house. Just make mine a moscato instead of a beer please? 😉
Simple Christmas decor is awesome! Especially with littles! Looks so festive!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I’ve got the Moscato ready, Elizabeth! Come on over! haha!
Amanda McCellon says
By far- my very favorite post by you to date! I love honesty and when we know others lives are just as chaotic. And that your house really isn’t perfect all the time!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Amanda, that is awesome to hear! Thank you! Girl, nothing is EVER perfect around here! Ever!
Molly Branstetter says
Looks great! You are so funny!! By the way I am obsessed with your wrapping and silhouettes! I just love your whole home period! Happy Christmas to you! xo
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Molly, that is such an awesome compliment to get from you because your home is amazing!!! And I’m totally obsessed with that wrapping paper as well – I’m being as stingy with it as possible while gift wrapping! Its too pretty to be torn apart! haha!
Trina @ Let's Just Build a House says
your home is beautiful, and i love your holiday decorating style too! i also enjoyed your little story in between. I laughed when you said you crack open a cheap beer lol. love it.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I have to have something to get me through, Trina! Thanks!
Abby @ Just a Girl and Her Blog says
I’m not sure what I enjoyed more– your gorgeous home or your hilarious commentary– so I’m going with both! 😀 Beautiful job, Jenna!
~Abby =)
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Abby!
Christy @ Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer says
OMGoodness, Jenna! You make me laugh! I’m fairly certain I have your daughter’s male counterpart hanging from my chandelier right now! Your house is beautiful, I love the vintage ornaments!! I just finished photographing my tree and there is not one single present under it. I haven’t bought a thing…oh the pressure! Thanks for sharing your beautiful home!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Christy, do we think if we put them together in one room, and shut the door, that they would eventually wear themselves down and we could actually have a break ourselves??? hahahaha! Or would they claw their way through the walls??! Thanks so much!
Jamie says
Gorgeous house tour my friend! I love all the ball ornaments and greenery! Fabulous as always. Sharing on my FB page today 😉
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, my Jamie!
Candace @ Vintage News Junkie says
I love it, miss busy pants!! Ha ha!! I can’t imagine doing this blog thing with a little one!! Props to you for being a rockstar mama, wifey, blogger, and friend!! And for inspring and entertaining us EVERYDAY!!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Candace, you are too sweet! And give me too much credit! Thanks, gal!
Donna Wilkes says
I was worn out from cleaning and decorating until I came over to read your post. It was very entertaining and now I am rejuvenated with Christmas spirit. Love that vintage elf wreath on the mirror.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Donna, that is great to hear!! I love leaving my readers entertained!
Amber says
Haha! Your life is so much like mine…only I have double the trouble and I’m not smart enough to ship them off to school so I can tackle my to do list…smart smart smart!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, Amber, I cannot even begin to imagine how you do it! I would lose my mind! Bless you, gal!
Amy@TheBlissfulBee says
So festive!! I love that you used so much color!
xo, amy
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Amy!
Tanya says
Jenna you described my kiddos perfectly! Why do they want to lay in the dog bed?! Your home is absolutely gorgeous and I love the vintage touches mixed in. Pinning!! xo
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh my gosh, Tanya – your kids like to lay in the dog beds too???? Thank goodness it isn’t just mine!
Emily @ Two Purple Couches says
Girl, I am with you on the shiny ornaments! Put ’em everywhere! And using presents as decor? Um, why haven’t I thought of that sooner? Great tip; love the black and gold wrappings and trim. Chic, vintage, and unique. Love your style 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I know right? Presents as decor?! Why didn’t we think of this before?!? Thanks, gal!
Rosemary Palmer says
What a cute home you have made – lots of ideas so many can use. You make it look quick and easy, but I know there’s always a lot of planning put into these ideas.
Great job.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Oh, thanks so much, Rosemary!
Helen @ Blue Eyed Beauty Blog says
Very cute! I love your use of vintage things and I especially love the nutcrackers! Those are a personal favorite of mine!!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks, Helen! I love nutcrackers too! I really want to find some and spray paint them fun different colors!
Helen @ Blue Eyed Beauty Blog says
Oh that’s a neat idea! If you do that you’ll have to share pics!
Lusine says
This has got to be the most entertaining home tour I’ve ever read, well written Jenna! And the idea to use wrapped presents for decor is brilliant! I never realized what a shame it was that the presents I spent so much time wrapping are only seen for a split second by the recipient before they’re ripped open. This year, I will proudly display them on any available surface 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Isn’t it though, Lusine??! Pull those bad boys out to show off! Thanks for stopping by!
Holly Lefevre says
Love it all…pretty please come to my house!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
hahahha!! Thanks, Holly!
Mindie says
Featuring on Friday at Bacon Time!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much for the feature, Mindie!
Jocie@OPC says
As always, Jenna just so pretty, especially the deer! xoxo featuring you tonight on the blog and thanks for linking up!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks so much, Jocie!
Hayley says
Your décor looks so festive and fun! I love how you used all the greenery and wreaths. And LOL at your description of your day- it definitely feels like the circus over at my house too most days 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
So glad someone else has the same kind of days as I do! hahaha! Thanks!