I am not a dog person.
I’m not really a pet person at all.
Some of you may have just decided to unsubscribe from my blog. I fully understand that not being very fond of pets, especially dogs, is considered to most very un-American.
You see, I was always skiddish around them when I was a kid – like even a small kid when you are supposed to love all cute and cuddly things. I’m past the skiddish part, but I cannot stand to be licked by a dog or have it up in my face.
And they smell. They totally have the smelliest farts in the history of the universe.
You know I’m right.
And then Grunt and I got together.
And he had two dogs.
That stayed inside the house most of the time.
And one that slept with him.
And I seriously considered whether or not I could marry a man who slept with a dog.
But then all those chocolate milks just won me over and I had to learn to deal, ok and love, the dogs.
I couldn’t deal with the dog sleeping with us though – that had to end. I have my limits.
And then the circus entered the picture.
And she was sharing her bottle with the dogs at six months old.
And crawling on their bed, wallowing around in it.
And I cringed.
And then for a solid year all she wanted to play with was her stuffed dogs and the real dogs.
My friend Ashley even mocked me for having a child that loved dogs when I detested them so much.
They aren’t kidding when they say God has a sense of humor.
I have come to somewhat love the dogs. Well, I love them because Grunt Labor and the kid love the dogs.
Yea, Zie is pretty cute.
So the other night after dinner as I was straightening up the kid’s room and asking myself why a two year old just can’t pick up after herself, I stepped in something. Wet.
And I said, please sweet Lord Jesus, don’t let this be dog pee.
I got down on the floor and sniffed.
Remember how I said God has a sense of humor?
Disclosure: This post was a collaboration with HomeRight. All opinions and non-pet person qualities are 100% mine. This post contains affiliate links for your shopping convenience. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.
After a string of not-so-nice words, I decided to try something new on the pet accidents.
How To Get Pet Stains and Odors Out of Your Carpet without Chemicals
First, I got my HomeRight Steam Machine Plus out of the hall closet, filled it with water, and plugged it in.
Remember the steamer I used to clean that disgustingly gross shower of Grunt Labor’s? Ok, this is similar to that except its kind of like an all-in-one deal. Its a steam mop, but the mop head portion also comes off to make it handheld. I use that handheld deal to clean grout. Probably my favorite thing about this one is that it heats up in less than two minutes – thus why its great for pet accidents.
Next, I took some paper towels and sopped up as much of the “accident” as possible with those.
After that, I put the glider attachment (ok, that probably isn’t the technical word for that attachment, but its what I call it) on the mop head. It makes it super easy to use the steam mop on carpets and rugs – it just glides right over them, thus why I call it the glider attachment.
It just pops on and off.
Then I held the steamer over the spot where the accident occurred and steamed the heck out of it for 30 seconds or so.
Then, I got another wad of paper towels and sopped up the area where I had just steamed to soak up any remaining “accident.”
I repeated this process two more times.
A little while later I assessed my work.
No stain.
And then I got down on all fours and sniffed.
No smell.
Victory is mine.
I should probably vacuum though.
Now, if only I would have known this little trick five years ago, then we wouldn’t have had to throw out over $1000 worth of rugs.
Nope, not kidding.
Need more helpful cleaning tips?
9+ Must Read Cleaning Tips – cleaning tips and tricks for all around the house.
How to Clean a Disgustingly Gross Shower – you will not believe how gross it was or how clean it came.
How I Clean My Entire Kitchen with One Single Thing – and it’s chemical free!
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Kathi says
I’m getting ready to get two small digs one of whom has not been trained. Will need one of these.
H says
I would use it everywhere! Follow you on Instagram!
Liz says
Omg! I sooooo need this. My stepdaughter just got a dog that she brings with her when she comes on our weekends. That dog pees!!!!
Karen J says
We have two dogs and they are on the furniture and beds all of the time. Self explanatory. Love that this one goes into hand held mode for the shower tiles also. Double win!
beverly e says
I would gift it to my sister who has “cute” pets, too. Thanks for the chamce to win!
Alina says
First place I’d use this would be in the basement. I have a two year old that loves running around with crayons, markers and food!
Sean C says
My sofa is a few years old with a few stains so I’d try it out on that.
Carmen Smith says
This would be a literal Godsend! We have a Yorkie that just looooves to potty in the house even though he knows how to ring a bell to go outside. With a baby on the way, we need to eliminate carpet odors and stains as much as possible!
steve weber says
I would use it on my carpets.. if I’m gone too long my dog will poop in certain spots.. it’s terrible!
Stephanie C. says
I would totally love to use this on our tile floors! (Then I wouldn’t have to borrow my mom’s steam mop all the time.)
Love that innocent little picture of your Boston!! I had Boston Terriers growing up (Bubba and Forrest) and my parents adopted 2 more a couple years ago (Jenny and Lt. Dan). They are the best dogs ever (except for the snoring and the farting!!)
Sheila Moore says
I would use it for cleaning up doggie messes like you did as I have a 50lb pitbull “baby” who sometimes has accidents too.
Linda T says
I have 2 dogs and the newest has accidents. Gracie is from a shelter and has anxiety attacks especially when we leave her. I could use this desperately for all her accidents
Janet Hickman says
My little mini pins live on my couch. So need this!
sarah beaird says
Love reading your blog. You are such a “real” person.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thank you, Sarah! That’s all I know!!
sarah beaird says
We don’t have animals in the house, but our son and wife do. They need this BIG time!
Lynn says
I have a 7 yr old Maltese that has suddenly forgotten that he is housebroken. Nothing wrong with him physically–no worries there. ‘Nuff said?
DONNA says
I really really need this!
Terrie says
I have “the puppies from hell”. Two brothers who are as different as night and day. They will be eight in April. Eight = adult. No peeing in the house. HA! I wish. Every so often, somebody has to “mark” his spot. Never thought about a steamer. Wouldn’t that be nice.
Rosa says
I would use it to clean anything my 12 year old decides to drop or spill…his room carpet is bad!
Pam in MN says
Well, we don’t have dogs, but three cats keep us plenty busy, around the cat box and those pesky hairballs. That’s where my energy would be put with the steamer – into cleaning up after the hacked hairballs. Fortunately, our kitties don’t mark! Your blog posts always make me smile.
chris aka monkey says
three dog night ooops i mean three dogs here xx i know a repeat
Terri Hughes says
I have a little dog and sometimes accidents do happen….unavoidable. Would love to have this steamer. Thanks!
Sue S says
I would use it every where. I have cats, so I know the feeling you had with the dog pee. They can be quite messy at times, but I couldn’t live without them. Love my cats!
Josephine Howland says
I’ve always had pets, and really don’t think pets and carpets should be in the same room. I tried using a different brand of steamer mops , but it stopped putting out steam. Is this brand reliable?
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Hi Josephine! Personally, I love this steam mop. I’ve had it for close to a year now and have never been let down once. I hope that helps!
Barb McConahie says
I had a steam cleaner that stopped putting out steam as well. After taking the time to read the instructions that came with it I found that they say NOT to put vinegar in the solution you are using to clean with. That is what I had done – mixed water and vinegar, put it the container and went to town cleaning. Next time I went to use it – no steam. Apparently the vinegar damages the soft connections in the cleaner. Who knew? Won’t make that mistake again !
Johnette says
Does this remove the scent as well as the stain? I’m not talking about the smell you can smell but the scent that is in dog urine that makes them come back and pee in the same spot over and over? I have a steam mop but it does not have the glider part so I can’t use it on my rugs. Hate having to get another one just because of that. It is a Shark steam mop. I will do a Google to see if I can find a rug attachment part for it. Thanks for all the great info, love your blog
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Hey Johnette! It removes the smell that I can smell, but I’m not sure about the other smell you are talking about. I can say that the dog hasn’t went back to pee in the same place. I hope that helps!
Cindy B says
I would start with cleaning my oven but there are so many places in my house that would see benefit.
Jeannie Garcia-Buechele says
You are just a sweetie for having this giveaway, I am honestly desperate for something to help me with a my dirty windows and I hear this is really good on cleaning them 🙂
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Ya know what, Jeannie – I’ve heard that too! I just haven’t had a chance to try it out on any yet!
Dianne Bell says
I really could use this. I have two dogs. Actually,I have one.
She’s amazing! NEVER has messed in my home or chewed up anything. We rescued her as a pup from an Animal rescue group. An absolute love! The problem -my college daughter’s mini Yorkshire Terrier. My daughter can’t have her with her,so, good old Mom has her. She’s adorable and sweet BUT the struggle has been peeing on my carpet. Ugh! I’ve resorted to putting down old blankets,towels,ect. on the carpet to TRY and protect it. I could cry. Thanks for a chance to win.
sydney85 says
We love our daughter visiting us with her little yorkie but hate the pee accidents. This would really help not to stress.
Erin says
With 2 giant dogs, a cat, and a toddler… I need this!
diana says
I don’t have a pet… but I do have a son to clean up after! All of my floors would benefit from this!
Yvonne @ StoneGable says
Super post! I am a pet person by default too! Right now as I’m writing this our cat Hobbes is sitting in my lap. If you would have told me this when I was first married I would have never believed it! What a great product. I sure could use this to clean up pet accidents.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Here’s to pet people by default, Yvonne!
Terry says
2 cats and a horse – and a husband who can’t stand the site of cat throw up…… This would be quite a boon to have!
Maaike says
I have an older gent of a cat – who throws up in the house….*nasty*…….but I LOVE the cat….
Cheryl Evans says
I have started fostering pets from a local shelter and have had kittens with loose bowels go all along the edges of the carpet, an older cat barf on the carpet, and a rabbit with 5 babies doing their thing everywhere. Need this bad, cause getting on my hands and knees to scrub is hard for an old fat lady.
Stephanie says
Im fond of dogs (other peoples dogs in their houses !) Like you I hate the smell, slobber and hair. When my sister moved in with me she brought two dogs that seemed to like to pee inside more than out ! Thanks for the cleanig tip. I have a steamer and never have used the “glider thingy”, I will now.
Also, I hear you can pour salt and baking soda on the spot to help absorb the moistue and odor
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I didn’t know about the salt and baking soda – thanks, Stephanie!
Pam Clark says
I need another steamer to keep upstairs! Definitely going to try the grout thing.
Kathleen Y. Worth says
When I first read about the hard scrubber brush and then saw your pics of the shower I knew it was for us. Ours looks 100 times worse. Iron stains, mildew stains. And there are are these cheap doors covered in mildew. Hard to keep clean. How did I let it go? Over time… After my dad, uncle, and granddad all died in one year and I had brain surgery. I am working on getting my house spic and span.Whatever it takes!
Julie says
Oh, this would be great! I’ve entered the world of grandparenting, and it’s the bomb, but she is one busy one year old. This would assist the cleanups after her explorations. 🙂
Lori Terceira says
I can see myself using this all the time.
Elizabeth Bullard says
OMGosh, I have 3 dogs in the house…can you say I need that steamer NOW! Thanks for the chance! 🙂
Jami says
I need one so bad!! My old steam mop just died and my floors are getting nastier by the second :(. That’s such a great idea to try it on carpet too!
Ann C says
THANK YOU for saying what I have been feeling for over a year now. I like dogs, as long as they are someone else’s and live somewhere else. My fiancé moved in with me, but left his dog with his son. He missed her so much I gave in and let her move in too. She was not used to rules, and I insisted on some. Like she can’t be in the kitchen when I’m cooking, don’t want either of us getting hurt. She can’t be sitting at the table when we eat. She can’t come into the bedroom. I have allergies and smell triggers them. Thank you for saying dogs smell! He can’t smell her… Thank you again, just for making me feel like I’m not evil for not loving dogs.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Girl, we are on the same brainwave! They drive me crazy!
Karin K says
I love dogs – love love love them – they sleep with me and I prefer them to most people I know. That said, the little *&^% have ruined numerous rugs and other things – so this is a great post. By the way, when I find the spot and go with the paper towel, I step on the paper towel with a shoe-covered foot – not a fan of using my hands. Plus my ginormous weight helps wick the urine into the towel. You are a good person to put up with that.
Stacy says
My dog runs upstairs to pee on the carpet. I would definitely use this!
Deanna Tate says
it would be so much easier to keep my floors clean. I have a bad back and can’t stand for long. I’d use it on my furniture too…..my couch could use a good cleaning…..lol
Marilyn S says
I would use it on my carpet for some spots from the cat. I would use it to clean my kitchen floor that always seems to have sticky spots. I would use it to clean the shower. I would use it to clean the walls. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Patricia C says
I would use the HomeRight Steam Machine Plus on my carpets and tile floors
carrie says
Love our steamer!! It’s duct tapped together! LOL!!! We have 2 dogs, they don’t have accidents in the house, but there are dirty feet prints all over the place. Mopping almost daily is a must. Not fun, but a must. I am sharing to spread the love of steam mops!
Michele Carter says
I’d use it to clean my tile and linoleum floors. Of course, I’d have to try you trick to clean up pet accidents also. Darn dogs!
Denise Williams says
I have 2 doxie/jack russell mixes that have accidents and one has seizures and sometimes throws up during or after. This would beat having to scrub my carpets with a brush, hot water and towels.
Anita says
I would use the steamer to clean up all the doggies messes I have from my foster dogs!
Tracy says
Everything is fair game for cleaning with that little baby~
Lauren Hallman says
I have a little “animal”…he’s 30 inches tall, 24 lbs, head full of hair, 14 months and into everything (and loves making messes)! Love my child!
Ashley ~ 3 Little Greenwoods says
I totally want one of these Steam Machine to clean our boy-nasty bathrooms. All FOUR of them!
Annette says
I’d use this on my floor (and occasionally on my carpet) to clean up the mess one of my cats makes when he refuses to use the litter box.
shelly wood says
We have 3 cats….enough said! 😉
Emily Norris says
I LOVE this giveaway! Ever since we moved into our new house 4 months ago, my dog has been peeing everywhere. I’m going nuts! I will definitely be using this baby to clean up after him!
Jennifer @ Brave New Home says
Love to use this on my laminate floors. Thanks for the giveaway!
Stacey says
I totally NEED it for our tile grout……just nasty!!!!!
sue in texas says
Would love a steamer too. I finish my towel stomp technique with dousing vinegar over the spot and clean towel stomp again. Our carpet cleaner told us that neutralizes the bacteria that grows from the spot in the carpet padding. He also said the pad spot is probably twice tge size we see on top. This has helped immensely!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
That is a great tip, Sue!! Thank you!
Raina DelRio says
I would use this EVERYWHERE! I would clean my laminate floors, sanitize mattresses and pillows and finally steam those mystery spots that appear after someone has been told no eating or drinking in a certain room.
Megan Nelson says
Oh man! That would be so helpful. My dog sometimes decides that behaving isn’t always for him so dog messes would be much easier with the SteamMachine! Plus cleaning up my cooking messes on my stove and counter tops would be quicker by the looks at it. What a great idea.
Cindy Trobaugh says
Jenna, you crack me Up!! I swore You shot that picture at my house…same carpet same stain..I need this machine! I’m pretty sure it would fast become my favorite go to in any way it could be used…Sorry Vacuum…Tootles Shampooer…fingers crossed!
Kristen @ A Mind Full Mom says
Okay, totally with you on this post. I am SO not a dog person! Swore I would never have one. I am currently watching my Boston Terrier that was just spade. Oh and it is raining and she can’t get wet. Well, you can imagine the uses I would have for that steamer! I hate using chemicals in our house, so I have been steam cleaning with just hot water and vinegar when she has an accident, but my steam cleaner decided to break this weekend. Of course, after 10 years of no dog it worked perfectly—6 mths of a dog, and well, this! 🙂 But I love her and love my family that begged for this puppy!
Renee smason says
There is talk of a new puppy at our house, so we’d be all set.
Lee McKeon says
i would love to use it everywhere in the house even on my tile floors
Melissa says
I would use it on my tile floors and carpet.
Crystal Allen says
I think I would just spend the day following my 60 lb dog and 30 lb toddler with it.
Madelyn says
I would use it for when my dog craps on the carpet. Sigh. I hate dogs.
Annette Abrahamson says
Well, sometimes people are messier than dogs!!! I would use this for both!!!!
Andrea says
I’m sure my dogs would love the HomeRight Steam Machine just as much as they love the vacuum cleaner. The steamer would make me want to deep clean our rugs instead of replacing them every year. And yes, people who don’t like dogs are certainly un-American! 🙂
Juanita A May says
I would use it on all of my floors!
McKim says
I would use it on the ceramic tile in my entry and my bathroom.
Sandy Klocinski says
I love Homeright products because they are so versatile. I have a lot of tile and laminate flooring in my house. I’ve never owned a steam mop of any kind, and I’m really happy for the chance to win one now!
Elizabeth Ray says
I’m trying to postpone buying new carpet as long as possible. If I can get it CLEAN, that would certainly help!
Barbara R. says
I would use the HomeRight Steam Machine Plus on spots and spills on my area rugs. I would also use it on the bathroom and kitchen floor. I would know that I was getting the floors super clean, as I am not sure the mop/bucket really disinfects the floors. I do not like to use chemical products so this would be perfect.
joni says
i would use throughout the entire house. Mostly in the mudroom and kitchen.
Linda Kish says
I would have to use it just like you did. Think I should pin this page.
jules m. says
i would use it on our vinyl flooring and our rugs- i really need this.
breanna pollard says
to tidy up everywhere!
Lisa says
I would use this when the dogs jump all over the couch when they come in from outside.
Kathy Luman says
I have 3 dogs in the house. I need this mop to take away the smell when they have accidents.
Stephanie Phelps says
I would use it like you did for those little accidents and on my steps were mud gets tracked in all the time!
Estelle S says
I would use it all over my house. I have 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 kids and a husband. There are plenty of messes that need to be cleaned up!
jodi says
I would use this to clean up after my 14+ year old dog. (we rescued her 14 years ago so not sure how old she really is). Unfortunately, she is getting toward the end and is having difficulty with her bladder control.
Tonya Atkinson says
To clean up after my 3 year old son and my 4 year old Boxer
Linda Madden says
If I won I would give this to my daughter. She has two dogs.
Natalie says
I would give this to my brother so he can clean the stains from his new puppy!
tonya dreese says
Any and everywhere in my house.
angela cunningham says
I would use it to clean up my dogs accidents shes getting older and having a few more
Joann F says
I would use it to keep the new rug (after waiting for 25 years ) looking like new!
jofo120 at yahoo dot com
Margaret McRae Davis says
No pets, so I’d just clean spots on the carpet .
Brandy Davis says
I would use this on my kitchen and bathroom floors.
Stephanie S. says
I finally housetrained (knock on wood) my new rescue dog so this would be perfect for cleaning up her previous accidents!
Lisa L. says
Under the couch where the kittens took up residence.
Rosanne says
I’d use it in my sunroom that gets a lot of traffic
golden storm says
i would use it to clean all the carpets in my home since i have 2 dogs,,especially where they eat at because they spill so much water and slop it on the carpet
Natalie U says
I have the cutest little dog who also has her mistakes sometimes in the house, especially when it’s raining outside and she’s not venturing out there to do her business
Miranda Ward says
I have 2 dogs a cat and 2 kids This would really come in handy all over the house!
Pamela Gurganus says
I have multiple types of flooring in my home and this machine would be perfect for cleaning all of them!
Deb C says
I hate cleaning and have little time to do it. I would use the HomeRight Steam Machine for everything possible, from cleaning showers and around water fixtures to using the mop for my tiled kitchen and bathroom floors.
ky2here says
6 cats – this will get used properly.!
Leigh Anne Borders says
We have three furbabies so I would love to use it on our floors to get rid of their lovely stains!
Jessica Vaughan gengler says
I have a dog and 4 boys, I could use this everywhere!
Terra Heck says
I have a dog that’s a little over a year old. I’d like to say she’s fully potty trained but I’d be lying. I’d use the Steam Machine Plus to get rid of her pee and poo stains.
I’d also use it to get rid of the mud that my husband tracks through the house. Thanks.
Kristi C says
I would use it to clean my floors, furniture, and bathrooms.
ken ohl says
love to win this for my tile
Tari Lawson says
I would use it to clean my bathroom floors.
Cynthia C says
I would use it on carpet stains from my cat’s hair balls.
cynthia Dawson says
I would use it for all those random stains my family makes that I find later…no dog here either!
Kathy Kuykendall says
I would use it for when my cats have hairball messes and for my elderly mom who spills just about everything!
tara darity says
I would use through the whole house. Our carpets look so bad! Three kids and a dog have been rough on them!
christina moore says
I love this, I would use it in the kitchen and bathroom
Jennifer Nielsen says
I have two dogs, and two children. This would get used A LOT in my house!
Kenia says
I would use it to clean the floors and carpet! I have to run after 5 year old twins and a puppy! Thanks for the opportunity!
Megan Scharlau says
I’m currently living in an apartment with pets and messy roommates, so there are a lot of stains I need out of the carpets before the landlord sees the place when I move out!
Tracey Byram says
With 2 dogs in the house, I would use it in every room.
Sonya Sanderson says
I would use it in the kitchen & bathrooms.
Nicki C. says
I have 2 dogs that could swallow your little guy whole if they weren’t so sweet, but they could leave a mess the size of yours. I’d love to see how this tackles theirs.
Sharon Kaminski says
I would use the steam machine on our tile floors.
Lyndsey says
I would use it to keep my floors clean everywhere expect the bedrooms because they’re carpet, because my dog loves to track his muddy paw prints thru the house!
Dana Rodriguez says
That worked great! I would use it for pet stains and traffic wear as well.We have light colored carpet and it shows EVERYTHING.
Shanna says
Ohh goodness! Between our cat and 6 kids our carpets and flooring are horrible! Crossing my fingers and toes!
Naomi Serrano says
I also have a dog, and actually he’s a little puppy so he has quite a few accidents so this would come in handy!
Jeanna says
We just got a new puppy last week! I would use it to clean up her messes!
nickie says
I would use it on my carpets, this would be great to win.
Dawn Jones says
First up would be my bathtub, and then my toilet. And then everything else.
Debra Sluis says
LOL I would use this on the stinky sofa. Yes, my husband is stinky. A smoker. I hate it. He stinks, “his” sofa stinks. It does. I cover it, so I can wash the cover at least, but the sofa still stinks too. I spray it but I would use this steam on it! That would kill germs!
Craig Dean says
clean my rugs
Craig Dean says
thanks for the clean up
bonnie says
I raise puppies and some just can not make the puppy pad, so puppy mistakes would be a great test for the Steam mop.
Dana Stargazer Truitt says
I just had new hardwood floors put in and the steam mop would help me to keep them sanitized and clean so my little one can play and crawl on them as much as she wants and I don’t have to worry!
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Carol says
I would use it for food drops around the couch from the boys.
Samantha Daleo says
I would use it on the areas in the carpet that the dog has soiled.
Mary M. says
I would use it on the pretty, blue flowered scatter rug that I have next to my bed.
Leah Shumack says
I really need something for my stairs so I don’t have to hand scrub them all the time!
janet woodling says
I would love to try it out on my carpeting.
Dawn S. says
One of the dogs we rescued is special needs and throws up (on my carpet) more than any dog should ever throw up 🙁 This would be an absolutely life and sanity saver for me!
chris z says
i would use it on my carpets
Morgan says
This is amazing! I have two pups and a baby! I NEED THIS!
William Wilson says
I’d use it on my tile too. My dog has a doggy door in the back but when it’s really cold out (like today) sometimes he’ll sneak down in the basement and find corner to tinkle in. The carpets in the basement can get a bit musty, quickly. This would be such a help. PS I love your dog.
Mary Beth Elderton says
2 cats and 2 grand-daughters—that would be enough reason to need a floor cleaners, but I also have a husband! 🙂
Tonya Hampton says
I would definitely use this for pet accidents too! It would be great to have! I have two rescue pups and one isn’t quite housebroken yet.
Debbi Wellenstein says
I will steam clean my whole house! I will even use it on my rugs.
Heather Hayes Panjon says
I Would Use It To Steam My Hardwood Floors.
Betty Jenks says
Sure would like one of these floor cleaners.
Sarah says
With two dogs and a 9 year old tracking dirt all over the house, I would use this everywhere!
jberry says
We track mud in the house from our adventures in the garden, & my other 1/2 is a coffee dribbler.
Susan Robbins says
I have 6 cats and 1 dog and can count on someone to have at least one accident a day so I could really use this steam cleaner.
Sarah Cool says
I live in a house full of spillers, myself included, so I could use this on the carpets!
Allison lesley says
I would make use of that thing everyday lol. I have 2 little ones that spill anything they get their hands on and the poor carpet is awful.
Tanya White says
I would use this on our tile floors and our hardwood floors so much easier and cleaner than mopping
Debra Guillen says
I have an older cat that has developed gastrointestinal issues and tends to vomit alot so I would use it to clean up after her.
Chrystal D says
To clean up after the dogs and cats!
Chris D says
I would use it on the carpet in the house, some smaller stains.
Dee Lafrenz says
We have wood floors, and vinyl in the kitchen and bath. I have no front entry, so in the winter it is a never ending job to try to keep salt and sand off the floors. This sure would make life easier. Thanks for offering this!
amy williams says
Oh my I would use it on everything I would steam our curtains and floors and beds….we also have a dog that sleeps with us all and on every piece of furniture that we own. He is house broke but he is afraid of loud noises and tends to pee alittle when he hears them
Dee Lafrenz says
Animals noses are more sensitive than ours, so I use vinegar for cat urine, & it gets it all out. Until i got my males neutered, they sprayed, all over a new chair! I used vinegar & that day, it was gone! My neighbor said I was the only person she knew that could get that awful smell out the same day! I would use a little vinegar in the steamer.
ewhatley says
I would use this to clean the tile floors in the kitchen, bathrooms, balcony and hallway.
Shareen Mioskowski says
Where to begin…..I have 4 animals 2 children well 3 if you count my husband so I would be using this everywhere throughout the house!
Anita k says
We have three dogs and four granddogs,so it would be loved and used,thanks
Kay Bishop says
Have 2 dogs, would definitely be used for those occasional accidents.
Jean F says
I would use it on all my floors, especially the kitchen and front porch.
Marilyn Nawara says
I would use it to clean the ceramic tile in the entry ways, sun room and all the bathrooms.
rach. says
I have two dogs at my house and two kids as well… and we live on a dirt road so not only do the kids make the rug dirty, but when it’s REALLY bad outside, we can’t let the dogs out either sooo… I’d use it clean up behind all of that
Tom says
Clean up after my dogs
Jill Myrick says
I would use the HomeRight steamer on out carpet, tile and wood flooring.
I love that I could clean without the use of harsh chemicals.
Denise Welch says
I sure could use this for my carpet my dog sometimes goes on it and it smells.
tina reynolds says
I would use it to clean my carpet and bathroom floor my three kids and siberian husky is intense
robyn paris says
i would use my steam cleaner to help keep my living room smelling fresh from my dogs. Sid and Oliver are great but sometimes stinky.
Darlene Carbajal says
I’d like to use it on my kitchen floor.
Laurie Emerson says
With 3 dogs and 3 cats it seems like I am always cleaning the carpet. I hate stains and odors but love my pets so this would really save on my back and knees!
Crystal Gregg says
I have a 3 year old..enough said!
Need one of these!
Connie says
I have a stain on my carpet that I’ve been able to lighten but not get rid of totally. It would be wonderful to see if I can finally eliminate that stain once and for all.
Blessie Nelson says
I would use it every other day to steam clean our living space so our little one can crawl and sprawl as much as he likes!
Kimberly M. says
I would use this on all my floors. I have hardwood throughout except in the kitchen and bathroom where I have tile. This would be perfect for my house. Thank you for the giveaway.
Wendy R. says
Boy, I could have used this the other day when the great dane puked on the carpet. I would use it probably mostly in the kitchen/dining room because the floor always needs mopping.
Anita Duvall says
I would use it to clean a few spots on the Bedroom Carpet and to steam clean all my other floors in the house.
Lisa Davis says
jose benavides says
I would use it on my walls and I would also use it on my walls..
Nancy Needham says
2 dogs + 2 cats + husbands boots = messy floors
Rose Reeder says
I have 2 dogs and 2 grandchildren each day and there are always occasions when one makes a mess so definitely for this.
annie B says
just got a new puppy who the previous owners said wasn’t potty trained . Ahh I think the Previous owners were Dinks ! no accidents but lots of water bowl slobber ! My floor looks crazy ! I need this!
Patricia Wojnar Crowley says
I would use it everywhere! The bathroom, kitchen, and carpets!
Selinda says
I would use this for kitchen messes like when I dropped a fresh baked pie on the floor this weekend!
Melissa Mazzur says
We have 3 dogs and a cat so I would use it for all the dirt and accidents that happen
LinhC says
Our carpets are 20 years old and the wear-and-tear sure shows on light-colored carpets!
Norma Farrell says
don’t have a dog , but my daughter has one and I would love to win the steamer for her
shea balentine says
oooh! Very awesome! We have 2 dogs and a cat in the house, so this would be awesome to clean up accidents!
Kathy Knutson says
I need to try it myself
Darlene Comeaux says
Cleaning up the mud my husband tracks in!
Amy M says
We have a dog and two cats, and I’m a terrible slob…. I’ve been looking at steam cleaners, and I really want one that’s convertible like this. I’d use it for everything, maybe even as an ironing substitute!
paige chandler says
I’d use it on my kid abused hardwood floors
Karen N. says
With all the traffic coming in and out of our house It would be great to keep my floors clean especially in big traffic areas like the kitchen hallways and entrance.
lissa crane says
I have four pets and three kiddo’s so there are so many ways to use the HomeRight Steam Machine Plus in my house! I have to say the first thing that comes to mind since it has snowed so much by us lately, is that I would love to use it for all the mud and salt residue that is tracked in my house from kids and pet paws alike!
Betty C says
I have two older cats. As they age their digestion sometimes acts up and they occasionally leave part of their dinner on the carpet. I need this.
Cathi Crismon says
With grandkids and grand-dogs at our house almost everyday … I would use the HomeRight Steam Mop on every thing! And most everyday too! 😉
Karen Drake says
I would use this to clean my kitchen tile.
Angela P. says
I have 2 kids. They are 5 and 3. I have carpets that were once light beige. How wouldn’t I use this? I need this!
wendi says
cats are so sloppy this would be amazing to have to clean up his messes with!
Pat B says
I’d use it everywhere, but especially on the vinyl floors in my kitchen, bath and hallway.
Pat B says
I’d use it on the vinyl floors in my kitchen, bath and hallway.
Duane Cooper says
I would use it to clean up after my cat!
Buddy Garrett says
I would use it to clean our carpet. We have three dogs.
Sharlene Piscitelli says
I would start with cleaning the grout in my tile floors.
Deborah Poston says
I have several little dogs and they always track mud in from the garden. I usually drag my big steam cleaner out to clean up their paw prints on the carpet but this is such a hassle. I didn’t realize that there was something smaller and more convenient available. This would be awesome!
Nona Cheryl says
I would use my Homeright Steam Plus to clean everything I can reach and that will stand still for it!!! Grand darling messes, four-legged babies’ accidents…you name it! Would love to have this steam mop!
Jodi Tucker-Watson says
Thank you so much for the tip!! I could use this mop for the same reason!!
Timothy S Chalfant says
To clean pet stains!!!
Missy says
I would use this for pet messes.
Enizete Lane says
I have two little ones and, normally, they’re very good. But accidents happens, especially in winter, when they can not run freely around the yard……and my bedroom carpet is the favorite place for my pets to “sneak” and “hide” the “accidents”……I tried many things to clean it up and still not to efficient. I would love to win this great prize and get my problem solved…..thanks for the opportunity!
Linda Poplees says
This would be perfect to clean the old carpets.
Marie says
potty training would be so much more pleasant with one of these!
Michael Lauzurique says
Just moved to a new house and have nothing to clean with but a broom
Jennifer Gilbert says
I NEED this steam cleaner in my life!!!
Michelle S says
We have pets, so I our floors would definitely get targeted with this!
Rhonda says
Would love to have it to clean my bathroom floor!!
Richard Hicks says
I would use in the kitchen and bathroom. Would make cleaning a lot easier
Trish F says
First the entryway, it’s messed up on a daily basis and then my son’s bathroom. Thanks for a great giveaway!
Angie says
Oh, to clean up after my sweet pup who scoots her bum across the floor. It’s cute and disgusting. 🙂
Vikki Billings says
I would use it to clean my stone floors in my kitchen and bathroom. I would also use it to get stains out of my carpet, and to clean my hard wood floors in the dining room.
susan king says
I would use it to clean up the pizza sauce, Cheetos smashed, juice spilled and anything else my grandkids eat that ends up on the carpet. I bought them a table so they could sit and watch TV while they ate, but it still ends up on the floor. The oldest is 6 and we have 7 grandkids so we clean carpet by hand a lot ! Thank you for the chance to win this !!
AEKZ2 says
I have an unknown stain in front of my stairs that I have been dying to get rid of.
rosey says
I need to get a stain out of the main entry. I’d love to try it there.
Drew says
This is awesome! I live with two kids under 5 and a puppy so I will definitely be trying this out. Thanks for posting.
Lyndie says
Hiya there. You are so popular! Because of that, I wanted to let you know about a spelling mistake in your opening sentences. The word is skittish. If you are nervous or scared. (Skiddish is not a word) I hope I have not offended you, it is not my intention…you can delete this post before any one sees it, and you will have just noticed a auto-correct fail and corrected it….lol. Great post by the way, I have four sons, a husband, two cats and a dog too.
Anita says
Hi, no need to put up with your hubby’s bad spots in his shower tub…have them professionally sprayed. All of the finish is off so it’s porous and absorbing all that dirt. Your steamer is awesome, but when they spray it, it reseals it, looks beautiful, and cleaning is easy. It’s a small area so it shouldn’t cost that much. my friend had her entire claw foot tub done and it was gorgeous! Love your posts!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
Thanks for the tip, Anita!! I didn’t know that!
Kristi Saunders says
Having a steam cleaner is really great! I remember when we got a puppy few years ago and I had to deal with urine stains on the carpet almost ever day. I wish that I had a steam cleaner back then! I the dog now, no matter that it was hard at first to get used to all the mess that he was doing around! He is a mess maker like my kids and I need to clean a lot! Thanks for sharing about your experience! 🙂
Andrea Vlasis says
I have doing this for years, I bought a hand held steamer, its the best cleaner for anything. FYI I have a Boston Terrier, I had Boxers, and other dogs, they are by far the worst farters, stink. I asked my Vet and he said to give her Bean-o thank -god. It works.
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
We will have to try the Bean-o – totally know what you’re talking about there!!