This post is sponsored by Bar Keepers Friend, however all opinions are 100% mine. Affiliate links may be contained in this post.
I’m not even gonna lie – I had to google what copper was supposed to look like to make sure I was just cleaning it and not stripping it off this cookie jar.
That’s how bad it was.
Or how pathetic I am.
I picked up this sweet little cookie jar (that has never once housed cookies, only applesauce pouches and fruit snacks) on a Goodwill excursion a few years back. It was actually a half-off Goodwill day and I found it at the end of the day for a whopping $3 so not only was I shocked it was still there, but it was a great deal.
I had originally thought I might spray paint it in order to cover up all the spots on it. I’m not sure what all the “spots” were as it didn’t look like rust, but I figured it was beyond the point of no return. Not wanting to loose the copper feel though, I left it as is on my counter for the past three years.
I’m really glad I never went crazy with the spray paint on it. Because it looks like this now…
I know, right?
Here’s how I did it…
How to Clean Copper
You’ll Need:
- Water
- Damp Cloth (an older one you don’t care to mess up)
- Bar Keepers Friend Cleanser & Polish
- Gloves
Step 1
Rub the damp cloth over the copper to make it slightly wet.
Step 2
If you haven’t already, put the gloves on. Speaking from personal experience, if you do this without gloves, the cleanser will dry your hands out, so I don’t recommend going without the gloves.
Sprinkle Bar Keepers Friend Cleanser & Polish onto the copper. If you are working with a medium to larger sized item, work in small sections like I did.
Using the damp cloth, scrub the cleanser all around on the copper until you see the true shade of the copper appear.
On those spots I had, I did have to use a little more elbow grease to remove them, but they eventually came off just fine.
The image below was about halfway through my cleaning.
You can see the right side has been cleaned and polished with Bar Keepers Friend and the left has not.
Step 3
After you have cleaned the entire piece with Bar Keepers Friend, I suggest rinsing, then washing it with a little dishwashing liquid to remove any cleanser residue. Dry it with a towel afterwards to prevent water spots.
Crazy, right?
Grunt Labor saw it afterwards and said he never even knew it was supposed to look like that.
I didn’t tell him I had to go look up what copper was supposed to look like so I would know. 😉
Have you used Bar Keepers Friend before?
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Disclosure: This post was a collaboration with Bar Keepers Friend, however all opinions and admittance of not knowing what copper was supposed to look like are 100% mine.
Carol from middle TN says
I have used Bar Keepers Friend to get the gray spots/streaks off white dishes. Yesterday I cleaned a cereal bowl of my Mother’s. She was going to throw away. Love the product.
Carol Killian says
I have used Bar Keepers Friend on white dishes to remove the gray streaks left from utensils. Yesterday I cleaned a cereal bowl Mother was going to throw away. I love it and would enjoy the gift!
beverly e says
I love using BKF for cleaning my sinks. It’s great for hard water spots. Thanks for the giveaway!
Karen J says
I love my can of BarKeepers Friend and use it a lot. I did not know they had so many other products and would love to try them all.
Breenah says
I’d clean all my pots and pans. They probably need it more than I’m willing to admit.
Brenda Haines says
The tough areas around my sink in the kitchen. The entire kitchen could use it all, thanks for the chance!
debra says
I use Bar Keepers to clean my white kitchen sink. Think i’ll try it on my white dishes as some of the other comments have suggested. Thanks for the give away.
Alison Edgerly says
I’d love to try this some old pots and pans!
Lindsay Eidahl says
I have never used this product before, but have heard a lot of great things about it. I would like to use it on old hardware first I think.
Marsha Anderson Corns says
I use it to clean my sink in the bar:) It’s made in Indiana (GO HOOSIERS).
Gotta love it!
Christina in FL says
Love this stuff!!! What a great end result.
donna wilson says
Oh the things I could clean if I had all the Bar Keepers Friend products! I would use it on everything possible from the patio furniture & bbq to the bathroom sink & dogs’ water bowls. Not to mention that my kitchen would be so bright & shiny that you would need sunglasses to walk in there! Thanks for the chance!
Samm says
Love BKF. My mom has had it around the house since I was little and it was one of the first things I bought when I moved into my own house… I really need to remember that I want to use it on a jelly roll pan tonight
Pam says
I’ve used Bar Keepers Friend for….well, forever! And it truly is one of my better friends 🙂 It is so perfectly safe for soooo many things that could be scratched by abrasive cleaners……such as a pretty little copper canister!
HS says
I would use it to clean my pot sets and stainless sinks.
Jessica Turner says
I have always liked to use this product.
Susan Hartman says
I have pots and pans with a copper bottom.
Susan the Farm Quilter says
I would use it to clean my kitchen, bathrooms, pots/pans and outdoor furniture.
Peter G says
Pots and pans first plus everything else in the kitchen including the sink.
i have a mitre plate metal that I use on my job when cutting wallpaper. It always gets rusty . Great product to clean with
Debbie Reynolds says
Great giveaway! Thanks!
Lori Jackson says
My pots and pans, but most importantly I have a big copper barrel we use when we have family over. We fill it with drinks and ice.
Mechele says
The cookie jar looks so beautiful!! I love BKF for cleaning our kitchen sink! I also used it when we moved into our new (new to us – 9 year old) home to clean the filthy stove top. It’s also works great on our Lustre Craft Cookware.
Amelia says
I have an antique dry sink that is lined with copper … that we use as our bar of course. That definitely needs a refresher! thanks for the opportunity!
Edward Davis says
I use my barkeepers to clean the oven door. Its a self cleaning oven but when the cycle completes, the inside of the door needs a little extra love everytime
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
That is a great idea, Edward! Mine is the same way as well – I’ll have to try BKF on it next time!
Peggy C says
would use it on my new glass top stove.
Amy says
Hmmmm, never thought to use BKF. I was taught to dip a cut lemon in salt and rub the tarnish away…and then display pieces were rubbed with lemon oil to prevent retarnishing! Might have to try it to see what works quicker!
karen says
i have never tried this product but have antique brass set, that needs cleaning.
Sue says
Tomato sauce is a greatway to cleanbrass and it’s cheap! Put a layer on and leave it a while and wipe it or rinse it off
Katie Persson says
I used to help my mom clean houses when I was younger, and she used BKF on nearly everything! I can’t imagine how fast she went through the stuff. It is amazing on porcelain sinks! And showers/tubs! And getting stains off the bottom of pots and pans! That stuff is a dream!! I wouldn’t mind adding a bit to my BKF arsenal. =)
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
I’m glad you said that about using it on tubs, Katie! I’ve got some spots I need to try it on! Thank you!
Kelly D says
I would clean my pots, pans and sink.
Barrie says
I would use barkeeps to clean my sink and silver pans that I can’t get clean! Amazing how your copper container turned out after use!!
Tracey A. says
My sinks!
Ronda says
I would use this to clean the bathrooms.
Glenda Beckham says
My whole house could use this stuff! But first I would clean my glass top stove, stainless steel sink, & pots & pans. There is no end to what this stuff will clean, super product. Thank you for the tip & the giveaway. God bless.
Brandy (lynn w rafflecopter) says
Bike handles!
Seana says
Nice job! I had no idea Bar Keepers Friend worked so well or that they had so many different products.
Donna Durie says
I would clean the sinks and bathtub water stains and the black marks inside of the dryer
Terri Hughes says
I would use it on my pots and pans.
Linda Bradshaw says
I have not tried this yet. I would love to try it on my pans. Some of them really need it.
Cynthia C says
I would use it to keep my stainless steel sinks sparkling.
Brooke M says
I use BKF on my glass cooktop, stainless steel sink and my SS pots and pans. I love this product and would love to win this giveaway!
Michelle Garrity says
I use it to clean my stainless steel sinks and gas cooktop
Sherri says
Wow what a difference it made!
Alina says
I’d use these items to clean my sinks and stove top. What an amazing job!
Stafford says
Most definitely would use this all around the house. Mainly on pots and pans.
Jill H says
I use Barkeepers friend on my sink and my pots and pans.
christina moore says
I have used Bar Keepers Friend on my bathroom sink
Cindy Peterson says
I use Bar Keepers Friend on my pots.
Alexis T says
I collect old copper and have,well, probably about 500 pieces. Most need cleaning. I get them at garage sales and then they sit until I have time to clean them. You make it look easy and quick. Can’t wait to try Bar Keepers Friend on my old copper.
Wendy says
Hi Jenna, My Grandma told me about BKF back in the 70’s when I got my first apt. She said that I would never find a better product for removing embedded grime and soap scum from porcelain to polishing silver, brass and copper, all without scratching. She was an army wife and had to move a LOT, she said that she could get the groadiest tub or sink to look almost new using BKF in some of the rental units they had moved into. I never doubted her advice and have been using it ever since. It is the best!I am so glad the you know about it now too!
Jenna @ Rain on a Tin Roof says
It is so awesome, isn’t it, Wendy?!! How cool is it that even our grandparents were rocking BKF and we still do!? It is really great stuff!
mary ballerin says
I use it on my stove top and S/S kitchen sinks.
Lindsey Beers says
I am new to BKF so I would have lots to do! Topping the list are my pots and pans.
Ashley Crawford says
I would clean my pots and pans as well as my grill. They all could use a good cleaning!
Connie Lee says
I already use Bar Keeper’s Friend for cleaning rust spots out of my bath tub.
Cathy Truman says
I would use it to clean my sink and pots and pans.
Wendy R. says
I wonder if I could use it on my car wheels? Boy, they need some cleaning!
Debbie Welchert says
What wouldn’t I clean. I have a stove, dishwasher, sink, toaster and many other things that just won’t come clean as good as I would like them too. This product looks and sounds amazing….
Charlene Drake says
If I won the Bar Keeper’s Friend pack, I would clean my new non stick cookware.
Christina Sparks says
I used it on a tub that I tried everything under the sun to get clean and this worked like magic.
Kelly says
I use bar keepers helper to keep my old porcelain sink, sparkling white . It was what my grandmother used on
It too.( Its the same sink)
I would clean my golf cart
lene Mccurdy says
Porcelain ,Faucets, windows,COINS
ken says
would use it to clean everything
Cindy A. says
I have used Bar Keepers Friend for years! I use it on everything from tubs to sneakers. Thank you so much for offering such a wonderful giveaway!
travis zepp says
I’d clean everything!
anthony gaussoin says
I’d clean my old copper tea kettle!
Cindy says
My kitchen and bathroom sinks.
Debbie Bray says
I would clean my copper teakettle
Tina W says
I’ve heard BarKeepers Friend also works well at cleaning the inside of pots like my enameled cast iron dutch oven, so I’d see if I could get mine white again.
Virginia says
I would use it on all my stainless steel pans!
Crystal Rose says
I’d clean the top of my stove.
Tracy says
I use BKF all the time: On my All-Clad and Le Creuset pots, my stainless-steel sink,the bathtub and on thrift shop ceramic that has gray utensil stains. Couldn’t do without it!
suzanne says
I have plenty of pots, pans and cookie sheets that I would love to tackle with this!
Annamarie V says
I have a few copper pieces and a couple of silver canisters that I would use Bar Keepers friend to clean.
Teresa Mayberry says
I’m 45 and have been using BKF since I was a teenager. It is simply amazing stuff. Tip: transfer the powder to a labeled clean shaker container, such as the ones in which grated Parmesan cheese is sold.
Stephanie Larison says
I have many pots and pans that could definitely use this.
Cori Westphal says
This stuff is a dream! I clean for a living and I don’t go a day without using it! I’ve only used the powder though, I’d love to try some of the other ones to see how they work on an old dirty faucet!
coriwestphal at gmail dot com
Laurie Nykaza says
I have old copper mold from my grandmother I would clean them up had no idea you could clean copper like this.
Jennifer H. says
I would clean my pots and pans.
Lesley F says
I use on my sinks and it works really well
Jeanne Coulombe says
I use it on everything I can that I want clean this stuff is amazing I LOVE it! I tell my friends abiut it all the time. When I go yardsaling and find old copper pans I buy them for cheap and clean them up looks brand new.Thanks fir the chance
Jeanne Coulombe says
I clean everything with it I love this stuff its awesome. I buy pots and pans at yard sales that people think are trash bring them home clean them up brand new ! bingo lol LOVE this stuff.
Cathy Burnett says
My cookware has definitely seen better days and could really use a good cleaning. Hope to win!
Melissa says
I have some copper flower pots this would be great to try on!
Melissa S says
I use Bar Keepers Friend to clean Tupperware. It gets out any and all stains.
Juana Esparza says
I would use it on the sink.
Cindy Peterson says
I have copper pans that I would continue to use Bar Keeper’s Friend to keep shiny.
Margaret P. says
BKF for my sinks and faucets. It’s the only thing that works.
Sheila B says
I would use it on my Revereware pots and pans with the copper bottoms to mske them look new again.
Margaret P. says
I use BKF to clean my sinks and faucets. Also the bottoms of my cookware. Cuts the buildup like a charm.
Jelena says
Looks great and I love your counters! I’d use bar keepers friend to clean the nasty stove top of our new house!
carol johnson says
All of my pots and pans, they need it.
Amy Z. says
I would clean my pots and my sinks!
Anne says
I love using it to clean vintage Pyrex!
Tracy Shafer says
I would clean my bath and kitchen..especially my bathroom! It gets horrible
Sandra Watts says
I need to try this on my pots and pans. Wow, I can’t believe how nice it works. For sure getting some!
John H. says
I would definitely clean the pots and pans.
Amy Deeter says
i would clean the counter tops and the sinks in the house !
Rosanne says
I use it to clean my kitchen sink
Cindy Croom says
I clean all my porcelain items and stubborn stains on my pots.
Cindy Peterson says
I read other comments that used it on plastic items. I am going to try it on my plastic containers. I currently use it on my copper pans.
allison says
I would do my outdoor light fixtures. Thanks so much for the chances to win.
laurie murley says
I have some cookware that needs cleaning badly
Virginia Rowell says
I would be cleaning everything!!!! But I wuld start with my shower!
Leah Shumack says
I have some baking pans that I can never seem to get clean!
Rust says
I would use it to clean my pots and my white porcelain sink.
Patricia Delgado says
I would use it to clean my stainless steel sinks in the kitchen.
Nancy says
I’d use their products to clean my copper bottom pans and my stove cooktop.
Cheryl Reinhardt says
I would clean everything I could get my hands on with Bar keepers Friend…. I can clean pots, my sinks, I like to go treasure finding at the thrift stores and now I can buy things I usually pass up because they look tarnished and need some sort of help that I didn’t think I could give them…. so that will be so fun finding things just so I can use and try Bar Keepers Friend… that is exciting for me !!!!
Annette says
I’d clean my stainless cookware with it.
Emilee Bond says
I have some pans/Pots that need to be cleaned using this!! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Roxann says
I would use it on my pans.
Laurie Emerson says
I have a collection cooper tins for candy my grandmother left me but I could not use because of how they looked. I would use this on them.
Rajee says
Love to use it for my sinks
Kat says
I love this cleanser, Use it all the time but not for copper. I use steel wool to clean my copper stuff. My friend uses catsup. Whatever works yes?
Jenna says
That’s right – whatever gets it shiny!