As the Preppy meets Hollywood Regency Bathroom Makeover (that wasn’t supposed to happen) progressed, I had a brilliant idea.
I would make a shower cornice. I had always wanted one, so now was the perfect time.
This would not be just any cornice though.
No, no, no.
It would be a Greek Key Carved Shower Cornice.
I spent hours actually using a ruler and level (instead of eyeballing it) drawing the perfect greek key pattern on my new cornice.
And then I went to carve it out.
Who the hell was I kidding?
After about 15 minutes of trying to follow those lines, I realized it was going to look already looked like sh*t.
Instead of tossing it into the trash though, I flipped the board over and whipped up a little Trash to Treasure Shower Cornice.